See: City of Heroes
The Survivalist: When survival sandboxes are more MMO than actual MMORPGs
Ever since Life is Feudal announced at the end of last month its dedication to developing a deep roleplay-focused server, I haven't been able...
Ship of Heroes details the mechanics of its mission difficulty slider
Ship of Heroes is continuing to pump out new updates for eager future players on its game forums. Heroic Games' Casey McGeever most recently...
The Daily Grind: So how worried are you about Guild Wars 2?
Last night's devastating news that NCsoft was forcing Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet to make major layoffs definitely shook me, even more than the...
Massively Overthinking: Contending with the MMO genre’s ‘wowfugee’ crisis
Last week on the MOP Podcast, we read a letter from a listener named Megan who pointed us to a blog post on the The...
Indie superhero MMORPG Ship of Heroes releases fresh batch of custom city screenshots
I'd be willing to bet that most fans of City of Heroes would point to things like flight and super jump - especially super...
The MOP Up: TERA and PUBG combine unholy forces
TERA sent out a press release this week confirming the end of the world: "Finally, the dream collaboration between TERA and PUBG is real!...
City of Titans demos the current state of its elaborate character creation
Yesterday's City of Titans update was... pretty horrifying. Fortunately, today's update is probably more like what backers had in mind, as Missing Worlds Media...
Massively Overthinking: Showing up vs. showing off in MMOs
Last week's Daily Grind about ambient sociability got a lot of MMO gamers talking about that desire to have people around, even if they...
One Shots: Diet lightsabers
I think it's about high time we got a Star Wars game in which lightsabers functioned properly as instruments that could melt or slice...
Paragon Chat hosts a winter formal in City of Heroes on February 9
Hang out with your fellow heroes, dress up, and enjoy a celebration of winter in Paragon Chat this Saturday with the winter formal! Yes, the City...
The Game Archaeologist: Dungeon Runners
Where do you rest on the spectrum of humor? If you find yourself giggling and snorting at dumb jokes, groan-worthy puns, and satire so...
The Daily Grind: Have you ever been to a concert in an MMO?
Slightly embarrassing story time: One of my favorite things to do in classic Star Wars Galaxies was sing. Yes, musicians and dancers were technically...
City of Titans says it’s completed the rebuild of its alpha test server
City of Titans had a rough 2018. The Kickstarted City of Heroes spiritual successor was meant to release its "issue 0" alpha by the...
Ship of Heroes works on super speed, missions, and leveling, plus hunts for ancient City of Heroes videos
Last week, Ship of Heroes boss Casey McGeever gave a quick status update on the forums. Heroic Games has been focused on super speed,...
Massively Overthinking: Why aren’t you playing the MMO most like your favorite sunsetted game?
This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from reader Smuggler-in-a-YT.
"Star Wars Galaxies had its problems, but the sense of community, purpose, and story (through...
The Daily Grind: What dead MMO needs more coverage?
One of the humorous awards we've given out in the past - but didn't in 2018 - was our award for the dead game...
Paragon Chat is already planning an event for the City of Heroes anniversary on April 28
This year would have been a big one for City of Heroes as the game's 15th anniversary. Of course, the fans aren't about to let...
MapleStory 2 interview: The Soul Binder, PvP, music, the western front, and battling pay-to-win
MapleStory 2 charmed our previewer, our podcasters, even our writers when it came time for picking out the underdog MMO of 2018, thanks in...
Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2018
Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's regular recap of what's going on in crowdfunded MMOs, which we do specifically...
The best Massively OP streams of 2018
Massively OP's long-running Stream Team, unquestionably captained by MJ and her sidekicks Larry and Andrew, got a welcome surprise this year: Our newest writer, Chris...