
The Stream Team: Hatching Guild Wars 2 griffon eggs

After scouring the lands for griffon eggs in Guild Wars 2, Massively OP's MJ is ready to deliver them to the roosting griffons so...

Casually Classic: Fondly looking back at World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade beginner zones

Whenever discussion about Burning Crusade turns to which zones players like the best, it's almost always focused solely on the seven additional Outland regions...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The disappointing second half of Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga

Welcome to part two of this overview of Guild Wars 2's The Icebrood Saga. Last time, I talked about how the first half of...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs as the designers intended, or do you go your own way?

Today's Daily Grind topic comes courtesy of MOP's resident meme-maker, Schlag Sweetleaf, who urged me to write about this after the piece we did...

Wisdom of Nym: Recapping the Endwalker reveals from Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Festival

I ended the first night watching the Fan Festival a bit sad about how long it would be before Final Fantasy XIV's next expansion....
hurr da burr

The Daily Grind: How do you manage your frustration with MMO griefers?

I was hanging out in an MMO's Discord channel a while back when I skimmed through a convo where some folks were grumping about...
Someone will get that reference.

The Daily Grind: Would you rather be in a guild of strangers or alone in an MMO?

Back in my day when I started playing MMOs, I took it as pretty well understood that you were going to want to join...

The Daily Grind: How long do you need to wait to ‘recharge’ your MMO enthusiasm?

Whenever I leave an MMO -- usually because I'm approaching boredom or burnout -- I recognize that there's a good chance that I'll be...

Massively on the Go: Why Pokemon Go’s COVID changes should stay, not roll back

Pokemon Go’s already tried rolling back some of its COVID features, and between the original announcement of its June disappearance and the announcement of...
This big reveal worked out super great.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you watch but don’t play?

I've seen a few folks in our comments and Reddit lately mention that they like MMOs - but that they're more interested in watching...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: What would it take for big changes in World of Warcraft?

The last time I wrote an installment of this column, it was in specific response to an interview that contained no small number of...

Four Winds: Final thoughts on Elyon’s first closed beta test

Elyon's closed beta test came and went, and boy am I happy with what I played. It was unfortunate that the test fell on...
Fight the other people.

The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal play session length in an MMO?

One of the things that always strikes me as interesting is the different opinions regarding what an MMO play session should look like. Some people...

Choose My Adventure: How guidance made all the difference in MapleStory

Boy, am I glad I read the comments. That's not an admission that I very often make when it comes to my online life,...
How could we have known this would happen, this is my surprised face.

Perfect Ten: 10 places you visit in every MMORPG

MMOs are places of great imagination, where developers take fantastic concepts and make them real (in a sense). MMOs are also places of great...

The Daily Grind: Why won’t World of Warcraft add player housing?

Out of all of the many frustrating decisions that Blizzard has made, its stubborn refusal to add a proper player housing system to World...

Casually Classic: Yeah, those Burning Crusade Classic prices are stupid high

If there's anything that Blizzard excels in doing these days, it's taking a slam-dunk publicity announcement and turning it into a hurricane of poop....

Hands-on with Amazon’s New World first expedition, Amrine Excavation

The funny thing about our ongoing pandemic is that it didn't really change the way video game previews are done. It turns out that...

Wisdom of Nym: What to expect from Final Fantasy XIV’s digital fan festival

I had this dream the other night wherein somehow, we had the digital fan festival for Final Fantasy XIV but didn't learn any new...

Stick and Rudder: Phase 4 impressions and overall thoughts on Elite Dangerous’ Odyssey expansion

Well, the alpha testing has concluded. Frontier Developments have presumably collected all the metrics and opinions they could want, and Elite Dangerous is heading...