
Space needed.

The Daily Grind: What limitations do you place on alts in an MMO?

It's really silly to have alts in Final Fantasy XI or Final Fantasy XIV. I do. I actually have several. The one saving grace I have...

LOTRO Legendarium: What I want from Amazon’s Lord of the Rings MMO

While my primary interest and focus in this column continues to be Lord of the Rings Online, I'm not so stubborn as to refuse...

The Daily Grind: What was the most recent MMO guild event you enjoyed?

At a baseline, I expect my MMO guilds to at least keep me entertained and socially connected through chat. But the really good guilds,...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II’s Blood of Luclin offers an aggravating lesson on gated MMO content

To the moon, Alice! Well, I may not be Alice, but I did go straight to the moon. EverQuest II's Blood of Luclin expansion...
We all become done.

WoW Factor: Why I genuinely miss World of Warcraft’s old janky Retribution Paladin

So now we've gone through all of the ability unpruning and changing coming with World of Warcraft's next expansion. We know what it's going...

The Daily Grind: If you had your way, what one MMO patch in history would you roll back?

Rollbacks are in the news lately, and not for great reasons - some Guild Wars 2 players did indeed lose hours of time played...

Desert Oasis: Exploring Black Desert’s guild system, from contracts to drama

Guilds: one of the quintessential social features of an MMO. Along with grinding, crafting, and partying up, guilds are just one of those things...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Vague Patch Notes: Player vs. class in Final Fantasy XI

I had finally hit level 41 on Red Mage in Final Fantasy XI. That was when the world changed, and if you played the game,...

The Daily Grind: Are starter bundles a bad thing for free-to-play MMOs?

The other day, I was talking with a friend who raised an interesting point that's still sticking in my head. She was talking about...

Warframe of Mind: Five ways to make a more splendiferous TennoCon 2020

When Digital Extremes announced the scrapping of all TennoCon 2020 in-person attendee plans, I was understandably pretty bummed. After all, Warframe's event nabbed the...

Working as Intended: The big list of City of Heroes rogue servers, 2020 edition

It's been a weird and wonderful year for City of Heroes fans. In April of 2019, the expose of a secret City of Heroes...

Perfect Ten: Actually useful World of Warcraft toys

Pretty much since its inception, World of Warcraft has made a point to include just-for-fun items that were more about personal expression and enjoyment....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would make for a great movie or miniseries?

MMORPGs crossing over into other entertainment mediums isn't unknown to us at this point, of course. There was that Warcraft movie that one time....
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s class and race restrictions have never made any sense

There are some things that exist in games because they make sense in-universe, and there are some things that exist solely as a game...

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO paradigm shift you didn’t see coming a decade ago?

One thing I'm particularly proud of is that the MOP staff and MMO community - then on old Massively - were waaaaay out in...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: What awaits in Final Fantasy XIV’s relic battleground?

We don't know just how long it's going to be before we're all chilling out in the battlefield for Final Fantasy XIV's next relic weapon...

Not So Massively: Kind Words is one of the most intense games I’ve ever played

In these trying times, I think we're all dealing with a certain degree of anxiety and loneliness. For some of us, feeling worried and...
Stuff. You. Give. Me.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite empty, neglected zone in an MMORPG?

Since dipping my toe back into classic Guild Wars last month for the anniversary fun, I took myself on a wee tour of some...

Jukebox Heroes: Lime Odyssey, Yasunori Mitsuda’s hidden gem

Even the most casual of video game soundtrack fans must know the name Yasunori Mitsuda. The legendary composer is perhaps best known for his...
Half man. Half beard. Another half beard.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO-specific meme?

Playing lots of MMOs can help you understand the discourse around them... which, as often as not, is crouched deep in the language of...