Marvel Heroics: Rating Squirrel Girl and Cyclops
Like many kids who grew up in the 1980s, I developed a deep fondness for action figures, including G.I. Joe and Transformers. I'll never...
Tamriel Infinium: Six great things to do in Elder Scrolls Online that aren’t endgame
Two weeks ago, ZeniMax launched the Imperial City DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, and yet I have little desire to check the new content...
Not So Massively: Destiny loses court case; MOBAs try new toxic chat punishments
Destiny's ex-composer Martin O'Donnell won a major court case against his former employer, giving him back shares in the company that are now worth...
Sword and Bored: TEF
Mo dumps his loot at a junk vendor and learns all about temporary enemy flagging.
MMO Mechanics: Economic stagnation in MMO economies
MMO economies are notoriously hard to balance, so most MMO players have seen the effects of stagnation and hyperinflation in an MMO economy for...
Nexus Telegraph: WildStar takes on Halloween with Shade’s Eve
While I can't decide if Halloween is my favorite real-life holiday (it's close, no matter what), I have no doubt that the spooky ooky...
WoW Factor: Between now and Legion
I'm going to be very surprised if we see World of Warcraft:Â Legion before June 2016. The odds are good that a beta announcement is...
Chaos Theory: Tips and tactics for The Secret World’s Manufactory dungeon
After my initial dev tour through The Secret World's Issue #12 , I couldn't wait to get back into the newest dungeon, The Manufactory,...
Perfect Ten: The top 10 craziest skills in Project Gorgon
It's no secret that many of us in the Massively OP office have a little bit of a game crush on Project Gorgon. Personally,...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raiding factsheet
If you're anything like me, you'll have been bursting at the seams to find out what shape the promised "challenging group content" will take...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior changes aren’t bad
It's been two weeks since I visited Star Wars: The Old Republic in this column, and it's clear that two weeks is far too long...
Not So Massively: Grey Goo’s $75k tournament, Nexon’s LawBreakers
Valve announced that Dota 2's Reborn update will be released to the live servers in the next few weeks. Online RTS Grey Goo launched...
Sword and Bored: Player housing
Mo is introduced to MMO player housing... and why some people find it frustrating.
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s crafting and gathering endgame in Heavensward
Crafting and gathering has never been a primary goal of mine in Final Fantasy XIV so much as a secondary one. It's something extra...
EVE Evolved: The war for Providence
In the previous edition of EVE Evolved, I looked at how the state of PvP in EVE Online has changed since the Aegis Sovereignty...
The Game Archaeologist: Lucasfilm’s Habitat
Some of you reading this may simply never have known a world before the internet existed by virtue of your age. It's not your...
Stick and Rudder: Star Citizen is starting to come together
Last Tuesday I woke in the wee hours of the morning to install Star Citizen's 1.2 patch. I wasn't battling insomnia or anything like that; on the...
EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s city festivals
It's that time of the month again -- a glorious time that I look forward to and makes me cackle with glee just a...
Perfect Ten: The 10 MMO memories we all have
I have been playing MMOs with varying degrees of intensity for the past 12Â years. That is really weird to me. It also means that...
Ask Mo: The state of Massively Overpowered
Ask Mo is back, and today Mo and I are answering a few meta questions about Massively OP itself. Our first question is from long-time...