
Oh no snail.

The Daily Grind: How do you maintain interest during content lulls in an MMO?

No matter how good your MMO of choice may be about managing its content schedule, there are going to be lulls. It's inevitable. There...

The Game Archaeologist: That time when EverQuest let you play as the monsters

It's a near-given that in every MMORPG, players assume the roles of heroes who are sent out to vanquish the evil, dark, or at...

The Daily Grind: Which upcoming MMORPG has the best chance of succeeding?

There are many MMOs of various designs working their way through the development process right now, but as we well know, not all of...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s August is an ode to Hisui and full of mysteries

There's a lot going on in Pokemon GO, and it's not waiting for August to start. As we noted for July, Niantic is holding a Hisui...

Hands-on with Multiversus: How WB’s new brawler stacks up against Super Smash Bros.

Like most of the readers of this site, I spend the majority of my gaming time in MMORPGs, or I wouldn't be here. But...
A journey already taken.

WoW Factor: How Blizzard squandered the potential and desire for WoW Classic

With the upcoming release of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, I think it's now completely fair to say that World of Warcraft took...
dot horse

The Daily Grind: Are you a gamer or an MMO gamer?

Bear with the headline question for a sec because I'm going somewhere with this. I realize that by definition, MMO gamers are gamers. But...
Anybody wanna do a mage?

Vague Patch Notes: The many flavors of ‘boosting’ in the MMO genre

The other day MOP's Bree and I were having a discussion about boosting. This is not entirely unusual, but it was unusual insofar as...

Vitae Aeternum: New World interview on Summer Medleyfaire, solo play, housing, and more

With the launch of New World's Summer Medleyfaire patch and event this morning, we naturally had questions about the new systems and the future...

The Daily Grind: Do you play any South Korean MMOs?

I'm going to start this edition of the Daily Grind by answering my own question with a sighing, "I've tried." Seriously, I've tried several...

Massively on the Go: Monster Hunter Rise’s Sunbreak expansion remains solid one month later

It's been about a month since Monster Hunter Rise’s expansion Sunbreak released, and I'm still enjoying myself. Personal issues exploded during release that prevented me from...

Perfect Ten: Useful excuses for ditching an MMO dungeon run

I'm not saying that MMO dungeons are boring or anything, but when you start one, you've kind of committed to seeing it through --...

The Daily Grind: What do you think of World of Warcraft’s Dracthyr design?

Behind the scenes here at MassivelyOP, our office staff is divided on the impression of World of Warcraft's newest race, the Dracthyr. Most of...

Fight or Kite: F2P MOBA Fault Elder Orb rises from the ashes of Epic Games’ Paragon

Just last week a new MOBA dropped on the free-to-play scene in the form of Fault: Elder Orb. It looked a little familiar, so...

Choose My Adventure: Feeling like a vampire is not the problem with or the solution for V Rising

After these few weeks and hours playing V Rising in its early access state at the time of this column's publishing, I can pretty...

The Soapbox: Why diversifying your MMO gaming is the smart thing to do

Allow me to indulge in some retrospection for a moment as I sit back on my rocker, squint into the fading afternoon light, and...

The Daily Grind: Does your real-life moral compass dictate your MMO activities?

MOP reader Slava has another good scenario for us to ponder this morning. "I just made a big change in my Albion Online life by...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: Forgotten and abandoned systems in Final Fantasy XIV

The weird thing when talking about Final Fantasy XIV when compared with a whole lot of MMOs is that it doesn't have a lot...
What was I made for?

The Daily Grind: When has an MMO made you laugh at least semi-intentionally?

So I'm going to be totally honest: The first time I can remember laughing at an MMO is when I found the first of...
art by Iga 'Igson' Oliwiak

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best-written quest text?

OK, maybe you don't ever read quest text any more. Or you've made a New Year's resolution to read them all. Or you shun...