
The Daily Grind: Which MMO zone offers the best summertime vibes?

Now that we're in July and the ball of sky-fire is on the warpath, it's hard to deny that we've finally arrived in summer...
It's actually fine.

Wisdom of Nym: Why the Final Fantasy XIV billboard was a terrible idea

Every so often you run across something that makes you want to slam your head against a wall out of sheer, unadulterated bafflement. "What...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is too ambitious for its own good?

This week's Final Fantasy XIV update had our newsroom shaking our heads, not because of any animosity for the game but because the situation...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that have fallen to the dark side of cryptocurrency

Here's an interesting point that's worth considering: For all the talk about cryptocurrencies, NFTs, the metaverse, and other Web3 buzzwords being the future of...
Ooh, it's meat time.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever expected an MMO to be your home… and then it wasn’t?

I was so excited when Star Wars: The Old Republic was coming out. I had plans for my characters of all eight classes. I...

From the Depths: Fun World of Warships warships that actually existed

When World of Warships launched in 2015, the historical significance of the many ships researchable and purchasable within the game was taken into heavy...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMO starting zones you always avoid?

While some MMOs only offer you a single standard beginning zone from which to launch your legend, there are plenty that give players a...

Choose My Adventure: V Rising provides moments of chaos and comfort

There's often a moment I've experienced when playing survival sandboxes where I hit my stride. The mechanics make perfect sense, I have a plan...

Wisdom of Nym: Reactions to Final Fantasy XIV’s live letter and 6.2 preview

The first live letter previewing a new patch is always a little weird for Final Fantasy XIV, and this one is especially unusual. See,...

The Daily Grind: Does any MMORPG have content that can match Desert Bus for monotony?

A few weeks ago, my husband and I were joking about Desert Bus and had to explain it to our kids, who naturally had...
We have Au Ra at home.

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMOs you wish you had quit before you did?

As has been observed by others, we all have stories about romantic interests who qualify as "the one that got away." We tend to...

LOTRO Legendarium: Evaluating Lord of the Rings Online’s legendary servers, four years later

When Lord of the Rings Online released its first -- and, quickly thereafter, its second -- legendary server back in 2018, it was one...
Always the level.

Vague Patch Notes: A love letter to the people going above and beyond in the MMO genre

Let's just lead off with a very simple statement. Hey there, teams out there working on MMOs and doing more than you need to?...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever met any of your MMO guildies in real life?

I suspect that the pandemic put a bit of a damper on the idea of having guild meetups, just as it brought most conventions...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go teases strong spotlights coming in July

Niantic has now released the July events for Pokemon GO and, so far, it's not exactly exciting. July Community Day is Starly, and as it's...

WoW Factor: Looking at Dragonflight’s release schedule with math

It's been a really long time since we've gotten to have some math up ins. You know by this point that I really like...

The Daily Grind: Would you start playing an MMO in soft maintenance mode?

Some games officially announce when they're going into maintenance mode. (And some games then update more than some non-maintenance titles, but that's an exception.)...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s Community Day is still more about catching than community

Pokemon GO finally gave us a good pokemon to catch for Community Day, and I'm happy about that. Really. Had this been 2019, it could...
There was so much potential.

Perfect Ten: Abrupt MMO sunsets that shocked us

Not all MMO sunsets are equal, when you look at them. Sure, all impact players who made those games a home, but some titles...

The Daily Grind: Does it ever make sense for an MMO to restrict certain classes to specific races?

With the recent news that Lord of the Rings Online is loosening up some restrictions regarding class and race combinations, it seems to have...