
Darewise wants to make MMO Life Beyond a ‘super positive’ gaming experience

The vast majority of games, MMO or otherwise, are often about conflict and resolving problems through violence. It's something that co-founder and CEO of...

Warframe’s ‘great ensmallening’ updates will shrink down the game’s file size and optimize performance

Apparently, Warframe could stand to lose some weight; after three open worlds, over a dozen tile-sets, 28 quests, almost 500 weapons, over a thousand...
Holla back.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s second Ishgard season is a touch underwhelming

In the days of my youth, you usually got introduced to a new band via the radio. (The radio was like YouTube, but no...

Ilysia VR launches Kickstarter, vows to bring back ‘the glory days of MMORPGs’

Several years now into the latest virtual reality "revolution," we've yet to see many breakout hits on the platform -- nevermind the promised MMOs...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest stunt you’ve ever seen players pull in an MMO?

I've seen a lot of weird stuff in my day as an MMORPG player, but I'd never seen anyone eat 999 eggs before Ross...

The MOP Up: Overhit sunsets in Korea

Nexon's Overhit is fading quickly from the mobile MMO scene. Its global servers were shut down earlier this year, leaving only the Korean and...

Here’s how leveling an alt in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will currently work

We know that World of Warcraft players will have a small battalion of alts to push through the content of Shadowlands. So how exactly...

Global Chat: Which MMO has the least annoying inventory system?

Inventory is something we have to deal with in, oh, pretty much every MMO that we play. Some games are far more generous with...
why does this continue

Tim Sweeney insists Epic Games’ legal battle is meant to stop a monopoly

In an interview with NPR, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney is continuing to explain that the motivation for his company's legal battle with Google...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best in-game cutscenes and cinematics?

There are a lot of ways that stories can be told in MMORPGs, but one of the most straight-forward and visually exciting is the...

Meta: Meet Mo Mania the Third, coming to SUBtember this Saturday

Whats better than a regular Mo stream? A Mo Mania stream-athon! (And a third one at that!) Meet Mo Mania the The Third, or...

The Division 2 details its upcoming Summit game mode and maps out content for the rest of the year

Remember when a dataminer in May unearthed details of a new game mode that involved a multi-story skyscraper being taken back by Agents? The...

Elite Dangerous is reviving its in-game storytelling with the return of Galnet and community goals

Earlier this year, the Elite Dangerous community was justifiably grumpy over the revelation that Frontier had seemingly put an end to communtiy features such...

Amazon is apparently working on a new unnamed sci-fi MMO

Former SOE and Daybreak boss John Smedley has been a fixture at Amazon Game Studios for the last few years, working on at least...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI delivers the second installment of the Voracious Resurgence today

Black-clad beastmen, a mysterious threat, and also the meta level of new story content in Final Fantasy XI should be more than enough to excite...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: How to speak with your family members about playing MMOs

The nice part about growing up with serious social awkwardness as "the weird one" in my family is that really, every strange fixation I...

Elder Scrolls Online’s final DLC of the year is now called Markarth, not Darkstorm

Elder Scrolls Online's chapters and DLC run almost like clockwork every year, so we all knew there was one last DLC comning in 2020,...
Not all scenarios are your best foot forward.

Final Fantasy XIV posts a new anniversary story and prepares for an online Tokyo Game Show

The third of four anniversary stories for Final Fantasy XIV has gone up today, and it covers an old friend. And an old enemy. An...

Funcom reveals Conan Exiles Isle of Siptah expansion, offers free Steam weekend and sale for original

Back in January, Conan Exiles players were wary when Funcom told its investors about "continuing to develop the game with a paid map DLC";...

Phantasy Star Online 2 starts a new campaign for players to complete ultimate quests

The name "ultimate quest" brings all sorts of possibilities to mind, like having to bring items to an NPC who in turn wants you...