
And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers’ balance issues ahead of the first patch

So, here's the genesis of this particular column: Originally, my plan was to actually just talk about story beats from Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers...

Chinese Final Fantasy XIV players are eating huge amounts of food to win… a fat chocobo

So Final Fantasy XIV has added the Black Fat Chocobo to the game in various regions, and each region seems to be getting different...

Expansion into the Witch Head Nebula is the next community goal for Elite: Dangerous players

Commanders who are extremely active in all things Elite: Dangerous have likely been looking forward to the space sandbox's next community goal. Yesterday gave...

Global Chat: Sucked into Shadowbringers

It's hard to deny the fact that this July, half of the online gaming population seems to be immersed into FFXIV's Shadowbringers expansion. And...

Sea of Thieves video previews Black Powder Stashes event, upcoming balance changes

Shiver me timbers, it's time for another weekly Sea of Thieves developer update. This time, Executive Producer Joe Neate gives players a taste of...

One Shots: How to lose a staring contest

I suppose we all need to accept the new reality, which is that we're only starting to see the tsunami of Final Fantasy XIV...

Caravan Stories’ open beta and launch are right around the corner

If you're fortunate enough to have a PlayStation 4, then you are invited into the exclusive realm of Caravan Stories when it launches on...

The Stream Team: How ’bout those Warframe TennoCon announcements?

Did you hear that?! There was plenty of Warframe goodness announced at TennoCon last weekend, and Massively OP's MJ is excited to discuss it...

TennoCon 2019: The Warframe community raised $250,000 CAN for Canadian Mental Health Association

What better way to wrap up TennoCon 2019 than with a shout out and hearty thanks to the generosity of Digital Extremes and Warframe...

Destiny 2 discusses the Tribute Hall, recaps GuardianCon, and readies for its Steam migration

Bungie's weekly devblog is online once again, and Destiny 2 fans once more have an eyeful of stuff to bask in. This week, the...

Grab a TERA Fists of Velika consumables pack key for console courtesy of En Masse and MOP

Last week, TERA's console versions got a punchy new toon, literally, when human male Brawlers went live as part of the Fists of Velika...
It's neverending.

Final Fantasy XIV announces maintenance for its first noteworthy Shadowbringers patch

Yes, it's time for the first patch to Final Fantasy XIV since its most recent expansion, and... oh, stop staring in dumbfounded shock and...

Daybreak spent June creating even more new companies than we thought

This week, we've been covering some strange moves over at MMORPG company Daybreak, the studio long ago comfortably nestled under Sony's hierarchy as SOE...

The Stream Team: Joining Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood

Is this the face of a stone-cold killer? Can Massively OP's MJ pass muster to join a brotherhood of assassins? We are going to...
Take a walk on the already-done-this side.

Massively Overthinking: What would you want out of a potential WoW sequel?

It's a rare MMO player who's never played World of Warcraft, which makes this particular summer an interesting one for the whole genre. Even...
Leashes? We don't need no stinkin'... oh, never mind.

Bless Unleashed has kicked off another closed beta for Xbox One testers – check out the patch notes

Bless Unleashed's latest closed beta on Xbox One is now officially underway. While preloading for the beta was originally supposed to begin last night,...
Who could have seen this coming.

Vague Patch Notes: Why live MMOs struggle to onboard new players

There are, at the time I write this, two basic approaches for getting new players up to speed in existing MMOs. Both of them...
My car! I only had fifteen more payments on it!

Episode one of The Division 2’s Title Update 5 will go live on July 23rd

On this week's The Division 2 State of the Game stream, Content Lead Hamish Bode is joined by Community Developer Chris Gansler and Game...

Black Desert addresses community requests as PC releases Altar of Blood and Xbox One adds Ninjas

In the wake of Black Desert's Heidel Ball event last month, Pearl Abyss has dropped a set of player-submitted suggestions with dev answers to...

TennoCon 2019: Take a visual stroll through Warframe’s TennoCon and its museum

I look forward to TennoCon ever single year. Warframe's big fan convention is the whole reason I started playing! And each year, Digital Extremes...