
Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s The Head of the Snake

If you're reading this, then the poor ArenaNet team has finally managed to battle the crazy weather and pressed the big red button: The...
With a bullet.

Square-Enix saw MMO profits from FFXIV and FFXI dip in 2016

Now is the time for all good companies to report profits and losses for the previous year, and at first glance Square-Enix's report looks...
Morrowind, feat. Westly's Orcs

Massively OP Podcast Episode 103: Back to Morrowind

Justin and Bree discuss ESO Morrowind and Homestead, PWE, SolForge, Conan Exiles, DDO, Marvel Heroes, LOTRO, and SWTOR, with reader mail on WildStar and Hero's Song.

The Stream Team: House hunting in Elder Scrolls Online Homestead

Every adventurer needs a place to hang his or her hat... or helmet. This week, ZeniMax Online Studios gave all Elder Scrolls Online players...
And this is why that's not a blobby mess!

Conan Exiles has already sold 320K copies, ‘all costs recouped’

Funcom has just announced what appears to be excellent news for investors and gamers alike: Conan Exiles has sold 320,000 copies worldwide -- that's...
Everyone expects

Overwatch team lobbies against using a mouse and keyboard on its console versions

If everyone can't have it, no one should. That's the stance that Blizzard is taking when it comes to using a mouse and keyboard...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most cash you’d spend on an in-game MMORPG house?

You guys know I'm a die-hard Elder Scrolls fan, so please understand I'm coming from a place of love when I say this: Elder...

Star Trek Online designs nine new starship variants

Get out your abacus and your wallet, because Star Trek Online is getting ready to wow you with ship options and suck your funds...
Ice cold.

Wisdom of Nym: Looking at alts in Final Fantasy XIV

There is, really, no need to have a single alt in Final Fantasy XIV. This makes it a point of open curiosity for me about...
Homeward bound.

Working As Intended: Two decades of Elder Scrolls housing

Massively OP explores Elder Scrolls housing through the ages -- starting with Daggerfall, running through Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, and ending with Elder Scrolls Online's Homestead patch, live today.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Homestead expansion is live on PC

You may have forgotten all about it in the wacky Morrowind hype whirlwind that was last week, but ZeniMax has officially rolled out the Homestead...

Elder Scrolls Online scores a Superbowl commercial spot

If you are an MMO player and were watching the big game last night, one commercial might have stood out to you above the...

EVE Evolved: Would EVE Online make a good survival game?

EVE Online has practically dominated the sci-fi sandbox MMO niche for nearly 14 years, with its harsh PvP-oriented gameplay and massive single-server universe combining to provide something that's...

One Shots: Cow disco!

With the recent switchover to a new comment system and the very real fear that we might lose previous comments (including, alas, your excellent...

The Stream Team: Attempting an ARK arena assault

The tek tier is finally here! That means Massively OP's MJ is going to show off dino laser helmets. But in order for everyone...
Harley left a long time ago.

DC Universe Online adjusts abilities to have a little more impact

The stat revamp for DC Universe Online is an ongoing process with a lot of moving parts, and that means that none of those...

Marvel Heroes gets wild with Beast and Jubilee

Two of X-Men's finest have joined the crew over at Marvel Heroes. This week, Gazillion added Beast as the game's 60th playable hero and...
Well, it does have bears, that's good.

The Elder Scrolls Online takes a closer look at the Morrowind trailer

The obvious response to the latest trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online is to find the nearest person working on the game and request...
Get some.

Final Fantasy XI brings in more side stories with its next version update

All right, Final Fantasy XI, we need to have a talk. We're willing to accept that you're in maintenance mode while still providing monthly...
No, you can't be quite this evil.

Valve is under anti-trust investigation in Europe

The European Commission has launched multiple investigations today "to assess if certain online sales practices prevent, in breach of EU antitrust rules, consumers from...