

Perfect Ten: The worst patch naming in MMORPGs

Patches should, in all honesty, be the easiest thing in the world for online games to handle. You have a word that means patch,...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI plans several events for XI Day

XI Day is almost upon us. What's XI Day? Well, it's November 11th, which has been designated as a special day for Final Fantasy...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online roleplay with the Human Floyd

Those who follow my columns here know that I'm a big roleplayer, but I don't exactly roleplay in the Elder Scrolls Online. I love...

Star Trek Online brings the duty officer system to consoles

As we well know by now, a console edition of a PC MMORPG usually doesn't contain all of the same features and updates. There's...
Which is good, because we have to justify that Xbox One purchase somehow.

A blizzard is sweeping over The Division

Just when you thought that the plague-ridden city of The Division couldn't get any worse, a blizzard is heading in with a vengeance. Ubisoft has...
This is not heading in a positive direction, in other words.

Bluehole Studio and ArenaNet are hiring multiple devs

It is always much more of a relief to report on MMO studios hiring on new help rather than going through layoffs. Right now,...

Paladins touts a playerbase of 4 million

Hi-Rez is not above tooting its own horn, especially when it has a huge number to celebrate. Today the studio announced that Paladins has...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 90: BlizzConcerns

Justin, Bree, and Eliot discuss BlizzCon 2016, WoW's new cadence, Diablo III's content plans, the Nostalrius legacy server standoff, Funcom's financials, and Revelation Online.

Neverwinter’s Sea of Moving Ice opens for PC players today

Sea of Moving Ice, the latest installment of Neverwinter's Storm King's Thunder campaign, is live on PC today, complete with a new nautical vessel,...
Every so often, you need to take a look at the banner you're marching under to make sure it still echoes your beliefs.

Wisdom of Nym: An uncomfortable season for Final Fantasy XIV

My original plan for this week was to dive into the newest parts of the the Palace of the Dead, but I shan't mince...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Orsinium sales and double rewards event has begun

Not a lot of MMOs celebrate the anniversaries of their patches or even expansions, but The Elder Scrolls Online is celebrating the first birthday of...

The MOP Up: Amazon Game Studios’ community tools (November 6, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively OP’s guide to upcoming MMORPG expansions

If there is one consistent inconsistency among MMORPG studios, it is that teams keep swinging back and forth on pursuing the expansion model. How...
Oh, thanks.

Cheers to the MMORPG studios supporting Extra Life this weekend

Extra Life is kicking off this weekend! The charity group has been organizing game developers and players alike in an annual gaming marathon for...
shark robots

Warframe reprises popular quest in time for this month’s big update

Did you miss out on playing Warframe's popular Second Dream quest series back in the day? Either way, you have a chance to experience an...

SMITE brings Thoth to the PC, more skins to the console

With two versions of SMITE operating, keeping track of what is going on in each will be a tricky prospect. Fortunately for you, you...

Cross-platform space MMO Nebula Online has launched today

EVE Online has a little bit of competition in the hardcore kitchen this month, as indie title Nebula Online launched today on iOS, Android,...

Grab a Gigantic closed beta key from Massively OP and Motiga

Gigantic isn't exactly an MMO, a MOBA, or an FPS: It's somewhere in between, with incredible stylized graphics, gorgeous art, and an impressively enthusiastic...

Gigantic closed beta key for Windows 10

To access Gigantic on Windows 10, launch the Windows Store, select Account Menu next to the Search box, select Redeem a Code, and then...

Gigantic closed beta key for Xbox One

To access Gigantic on Xbox One, load up your Xbox One console. From the Home screen, scroll right to access the Xbox Store; under Games,...