A blizzard is sweeping over The Division

Which is good, because we have to justify that Xbox One purchase somehow.

Just when you thought that the plague-ridden city of The Division couldn’t get any worse, a blizzard is heading in with a vengeance.

Ubisoft has just released its Survival DLC to the test servers, allowing players to preview the next major content update to the game. As things go from bad to worse, players will have to battle the frigid elements and diseases to survive. One of the big tentpole features for this DLC is the addition of a new 24-player survival mode that starts each character off with the bare minimum in a rapidly deteriorating climate.

The Division was supposed to release Survival this past summer, but it got held up due to various “lingering issues.” It’s third DLC, Last Stand, has been delayed as well and should come out early next year.

You can check out the Survival reveal trailer below!

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