

Final Fantasy XI details its June login rewards

Every month, Final Fantasy XI offers players a nice and straightforward way to get rewarded for logging in: a login campaign. You log in,...

Global Chat: Is casual raiding important for MMOs?

When it comes to the subject of raiding, one might get the impression that there are only two factions involved: those who are hardcore...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 68: Dark and light

Justin and Bree discuss Darkfall, Landmark, Marvel Heroes, ArcheAge, Neverwinter, and ESO, with mailbag questions on community negativity, streaming, and commenters.
Well-told, but not well-planned.

Final Fantasy XI introduces new quests and Ambuscades for June

The June version update of Final Fantasy XI should make your life just a little bit easier. Are you tired of walking everywhere in...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC is sublime, brother

Well, folks, this is it. This is the way that The Elder Scrolls Online should have launched. As MOP's own Bree Royce says on...
Subtle changes.

Today’s Neverwinter update adds guild alliances, logical campaign paths

Going live around noon EDT today in Neverwinter is Guild Alliances, a large update to the Maze Engine campaign. Players will be able to...
Spider lady.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3 is out now

If you were looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV's patch today as your chance to own a house in the game, the bad news...

Wisdom of Nym: Taking on the Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3 notes

I really hope you got anything you wanted done before Final Fantasy XIV's patch finished up yesterday because the game is down all day...

One Shots: Two hearts beating as one

It's not every day that you get married, either in real life or in a video game. Reader Kanbe managed to impress me by...

Final Fantasy XIV 3.3 patch notes include raid finder, materia melding NPCs

Today is not the day for players to actually take on the new challenges present in Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch. That'll be...

Massively Overthinking: Solving the MMORPG grouping problem

Massively OP Patron Roger has another great question for the crew this week. "I have the hardest time pushing myself to join a group, but...
The power of price compels you, or something.

PSA: The Elder Scrolls Online is half-price on Steam until June 5th

Are you a student just about to have a whole summer off with nothing to do but forget what you learned? Are you a...
Still at a zero for sold ships that aren't actually usable, though.

Elite: Dangerous identifies issues with AI superweapons in the game

The most recent Elite: Dangerous patch had some issues, starting with the fact that AI ships were rocking impossibly powerful weapons that would destroy...

The Division is gunning for a movie adaptation

Players sucked into the setting and narrative for The Division might be interested to know that Ubisoft is exploring the possibility of getting it made into...

Neverwinter announces summer PS4 launch and Storm King’s Thunder expansion

D&D-flavored MMO Neverwinter has posted two huge announcements this week: First, the PC-and-Xbone MMORPG is bound for the PlayStation 4 this summer. "We are also...

Elder Scrolls Online permabans scores of cheaters

There are few things more aggravating in online games than to clearly see people use hacks to cheat their way into riches and power,...
I made you this. Use it.

The Elder Scrolls Online launches the Dark Brotherhood DLC today

Rejoice, players of The Elder Scrolls Online, for today you can join in an elite confederation of ducks! Whether you feel that you're a...

APB Reloaded soft launches on Xbox One in Europe

The team behind APB Reloaded has been laying down the foundation for the game's transition to consoles, work that is now paying off as...

The Stream Team: Hippity hoppity HEX is on its way!

Today, death comes upon the soft furry paws of a cuddly bunny as MassivelyOP's MJ dives back into the PvP campaign in HEX on...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Jobs we are unlikely to ever see in Final Fantasy XIV

We all have jobs that we want to see in Final Fantasy XIV. Some of them are pretty much definitively going to happen (I...