
I always want screenshots I don't actually have, it seems.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on what comes next in Final Fantasy XIV

Let me start by warning you fans of Final Fantasy XIV that this column may very well have spoilers, but that's all right because...

Ex-WoW lead Rob Pardo says industry devs are avoiding the ‘MMO’ label

MMOs aren't going anywhere, but the label may be on the way out. This comes from former World of Warcraft lead Rob Pardo, who...

The MOP Up: Evil Island edition

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Abstract art

Every once in a while I receive a One Shots email that makes one of my eyebrows climb super-high while the other one dives...

Win a Warframe Echoes of the Sentient promo key from Massively OP (All gone now!)

Warframe's massive Echoes of the Sentient patch is about to go live, so let's have a celebration with free stuff! We've got 1000 promo keys to...

Warframe’s Echoes of the Sentient update is live today

Warframe players take the role of heavily armed space ninjas just by logging in. As such, it makes sense that the game would have...

With Your Destiny and Asta close down

We truly do hate to be the bearers of bad news, especially when that news has to do with the demise of an MMO....

Global Chat: Do you crave human interaction in MMOs?

I've long been an advocate of "playing alone together" in MMOs. While I enjoy grouping and teaming up to a degree, mostly I want...

World of Tanks is now rolling on XBox One

As of today, XBox One owners can jump into beautifully recreated WWII armored vehicles and blow their enemies to smithereens: World of Tanks has...

Tamriel Infinium: Imperial City revitalizes Elder Scrolls Online’s PvP

I've always found it odd that one of Bethesda's biggest showings at a convention every year is QuakeCon. Elder Scrolls Online, especially, has always...

Not So Massively: HoN Tour season four; cheating in Hearthstone and League of Legends

It's been a busy week for online gaming, with Star Citizen releasing alpha patch 1.15 and delving into the details of its new audio...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward at the one-month mark

Heavensward has been out a bit more than a month now if you count the launch of early access as the "real" launch of...

EVE Evolved: Fitting Tech 3 Tactical Destroyers as PvP brawlers

The past few months have seen a flood of frequent updates hitting EVE Online, and among them we got a whole new class of...

One Shots: Aerodynamically impossible

Back in the late '70s, the first Superman flick had the tagline, "You will believe a man can fly." Well, I look at the...
Back when everything was just a matter of shooting Hellbugs. What a time to be alive.

Defiance answers player questions about promotional weapons and future updates

You learn a lot when you work on a game for a while. Defiance has had some time to settle into its routine, and...

The Daily Grind: Are you trying a different MMO this summer?

I find that summer is a great time of the year to let my gaming wanderlust run free, giving me permission to try new...
Well, the back is the easiest place to stab a dude.

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces players to the Drake of Blades

The Imperial City in The Elder Scrolls Online is on the dangerous side, and if you didn't already know that the introduction to the...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter is changing its vote-to-kick system

The upside of having a system to vote-kick players in Neverwinter is that abusive players can be identified and removed from a run before...

Phantasy Star Online 2 is IP-blocked again in the west

If you're a western fan of Phantasy Star Online 2, I'm sorry. SEGA still doesn't care to take your money, apparently, because the company's...

Massively Opinionated: How does FFXIV pull off its sub model in 2015?

In this episode, Larry, Mike, and Eliot debate Final Fantasy XIV's business model, Heavensward, and newbie accessibility.