
There are wolves out here.

Tree of Savior kicks off English testing on August 4th

Attention, hopeful Tree of Savior fans who have been scanning the horizon, desperately pining for a boat to arrive bearing word about the game's...
I am fairly certain that fairness due to gear parity was a point that got tossed around for this game, although I cannot find a good source for that at the moment, so I may be incorrect.

Albion Online brings its summer test to a close with a war

Bad news for Albion Online fans who have been enjoying this summer test phase: It ends tonight. The bright side is that if you're...
Back when everything was just a matter of shooting Hellbugs. What a time to be alive.

Defiance answers player questions about promotional weapons and future updates

You learn a lot when you work on a game for a while. Defiance has had some time to settle into its routine, and...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter is changing its vote-to-kick system

The upside of having a system to vote-kick players in Neverwinter is that abusive players can be identified and removed from a run before...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...
Ridin spinnas, ridin spinnas

Star Wars: The Old Republic developers want to know what you want to ride

There are always a lot of things you could potentially ride in video games. Star Wars: The Old Republic is no exception. There are...
There are no limits! But in another very real way, there are hard and immediate limits.

How to progress in Skyforge after the weekly spark cap

Weekly limits in Skyforge are everywhere, putting a limit on how far and how fast players can progress in the game. In some ways...
It almost makes you wish the server would be down every day, except that's a horrible idea.

EVE Online offers players a big gift of skill points for unexpected downtime

Server issues happen. They are inevitable. The development teams behind games do everything within their power to make sure that they don't happen, but...
Cats are cats all over.

RuneScape offers new cat companions to highlight the World Wildlife Fund

Are big cats important to you while but not quite important enough to make you log out of RuneScape? Then the game's latest charity...
Well, unfortunately...

Trove is hosting a player-run soccer tourney

What do you get when you unleash unfettered player creativity upon a game? Well, in the case of Trove, you apparently get player-run soccer...
Either die or don't.

Phantasy Star Online 2’s SE Asian version drops region-blocking

You can't play Phantasy Star Online 2 on US servers because they don't exist. But you could, in theory, play the Southeast Asian version,...
Everything old is... still old, but a newer sort of old.

EverQuest progression server transfers coming soon

The classic EverQuest progression servers have proven pretty popular, enough that the two servers are going to deviate from one another in terms of...
This was all funny until it happened to us!

Pro e-sports player admits using performance-enhancing drugs, says doping is widespread

Remember when it became clear that major league baseball was awash in drugs? That drugs weren't just a problem that some players had but...
I'm still wondering why a game that's confident about its future would be engaged in a slapfight with Derek Smart.

The war of words between Derek Smart and Star Citizen continues

If you're busy today, don't worry, we understand. We can assure you that this post does not contain a direct link to another 11,000...

RIFT offers free patron time to everyone

Do you like RIFT but lack the money or incentive to buy patron time in the game? Or do you just enjoy getting stuff...
You made it sing, all right.

Paragon Chat sees 200 concurrent users at peak

Paragon Chat is not the City of Heroes revival that everyone wants, obviously, but it is a chance to walk around, chat, and enjoy...
The complex interplay of replying or ignoring accusations.

Star Citizen dismisses ‘feature creep’ concerns, declares Star Marine has NOT been canceled

The year thus far has not been the best possible year for Star Citizen. The game has seen a few people depart from prominent...
It's not particularly cruel.

Neverwinter’s Summer Festival returns

In the mood for some summer fun that doesn't actually involve leaving the house to go participate in any summer fun? Why not just...
To be fair, it's this way all over.

Trion shuffles community managers for ArcheAge and its secret project

There's a new name on the community team for ArcheAge this week. Evan "Scapes" Berman has posted his farewell letter on the game's official forums, announcing his...
If your answer about how to play is to just wait for a while, I don't think we'll be friends.

Player analyst believes EVE Online concurrency is at its lowest point since 2008

It's really difficult to be sure about how EVE Online is doing, since CCP Games has stopped releasing subscription numbers on a regular basis....