
See: Daybreak Game Company

EVE Evolved: Improving EVE Online’s organisational tools

Throughout most of EVE Online's lifetime, players have developed their own third-party applications (and yes, spreadsheets) to help organise and enhance their gameplay. We've...

Jukebox Heroes: Six more groovy tunes from MMOs you’ve never played

As an MMO music collector, I've gathered some really obscure soundtracks over the years, including ones from games that people don't even remember existing,...

The Stream Team: Beating the heat (literally) with EverQuest II’s Scorched Sky Celebration

When it's a scorcher outside and you can't leave your house, what do you do? Massively OP's MJ is going to beat the snot...

Ashes of Creation claims it’s ‘now among the largest MMOs in production’

Ashes of Creation claims it's "now among the largest MMOs in production" thanks to the addition of a large crew of new hires and...

DC Universe Online is giving away free CR 170 characters for logging in this week

It's "member appreciation week" in Daybreak's DC Universe Online, and it lines up nice and neat with the holiday too - how convenient is...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG skill system that avoids the ‘illusion of choice’?

Over the weekend, my husband and I were chatting about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator again, probably the Legends one that people...
Is this the ugly one or the pretty one, it's hard to tell.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best user interface?

In the comments of my last Daily Grind about Star Wars Galaxies, there erupted a lively debate about the game's user interface in the...

The MOP Up: EverQuest II’s scorched sky policy (July 1, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Better virtual homes and gardens

Lately I've been overdosing on some serious Sims 4 time (blame the Seasons expansion announcement for this!) and indulging in my long-standing passion for...

The Game Archaeologist: Raph Koster on MUDs and Privateer Online

The release of Raph Koster's monster book of game essays, Postmortems, was of high interest to Bree and me for different reasons. For her,...

H1Z1 roars past 10 million users on PlayStation 4

After it looked like H1Z1 was being rendered obsolete by last year's rise of PUBG and Fortnite, having lost 90% of its playerbase by...

The Daily Grind: Would you play Star Wars Galaxies if it relaunched today?

Star Wars Galaxies is 15 years old now, and it was just about seven years ago that SOE announced it was slated for execution....

The Stream Team: A second attempt at DCUO’s second part of The Death of Superman

When Massively OP's MJ tried to do The Death of Superman, part 2 in DCUO, the game died instead. The update killed the launcher...

Battle Royale roundup: Realm Royale, H1Z1, PUBG, and Cuisine Royale

All hands on deck, people! We are at Maximum Battle Royale this summer and the bubble hasn't burst - at least not yet. Maybe...
This will not be featured.

DC Universe Online launches part 3 of the Death of Superman

He lived, he died, and he'll probably live again. Not just because comics tend to bring people back to life, but because, well, the...

Under pressure, Sony claims it’s looking into solving its crossplay dilemma

Under great amounts of pressure to reverse its anti-crossplay stance with the PlayStation 4, Sony has finally capitulated somewhat by saying that it is...

Hyperspace Beacon: Memorable moments in Star Wars Galaxies, the original Star Wars MMORPG

Yesterday, the game that solidified my place in the MMO space would have turned 15 years old, and MJ, Bree, and I took a...

Perfect Ten: The best MMO debuts by year, 1997-2006

By now, many of you probably know that I'm the curator of the MMO Timeline on my personal blog. On this page, I've attempted...

The Stream Team: Re-living Star Wars Galaxies memories in the Emu on the game’s 15th birthday

You hear Massively OP's staff talk about Star Wars Galaxies all the time. But have you seen it? Now you can. The game may...

Daybreak mourns the death of H1Z1’s lead animator

This week, Daybreak is grieving over the loss of one of its key developers, David "Sarge" Carter. Carter worked as an animator on a couple...