Elder Scrolls Online addresses DLC purchase confusion and ongoing DDOS attacks
ZeniMax Online Studios' Matt Firor swung by the Elder Scrolls Online forums last night with two updates for fans, one on the upcoming DPC...
Fractured Online becomes the victim of its very first DDoS attack
If you were experiencing some more server weirdness while playing Fractured Online yesterday, it wasn't just you nor was it another moment of the...
Final Fantasy XIV strives to recover from yesterday’s heavy DDOS attack
If you, like me, experienced a difficult time logging in and staying logged into FFXIV last night, you're not alone. Square Enix confirmed that...
Destiny 2 wrestles with overpowered crafted weapons and DDoS attacks
The Guardians of Destiny 2 are generally written as powerful space wizards who wield magical abilities and unique firearms to take down galactic threats,...
Albion Online, under DDOS attack yet again, promises compensation and renewed defense
Albion Online has been stuggling with DDOS attacks since last week, and though the studio had initially weathered the waves, it's ongoing again this...
Albion Online faces DDoS attacks presumably over a recent anti-botting update
It looks like Albion Online is being targeted by some angry digital racketeers if word from Sandbox Interactive is to be believed. Over the...
Aion Classic EU blames ‘criminal entities with malicious intentions’ for its ongoing DDoS attacks
The EU version of Aion Classic is continuing to face DDoS attacks that started disrupting the game earlier this week, which has prompted Gameforge...
Among Us servers go down for the weekend due to DDoS attacks
In a game full of paranoia and rampant backstabbing, perhaps the most sus thing about Among Us is when the drama spills over into...
MMO Business Roundup: Unionbusting, Kakao, sportswashing, DDOS attacks, plagiarism, and PUBG
Welcome back to another roundup of MMO- and MMO-adjacent industry news. I'm sorry.
Raven Software: The internal Activision studio that saw first a strike and...
Lawful Neutral: Examining DDoS attacks and their impact on MMOs
When I was younger, used to play with LEGOs with my cousins all the time. We'd spend time creating huge houses and vehicles that...
World of Warcraft perseveres under weekend DDoS attacks, WoW Classic fixes layering exploits
It was a pretty annoying weekend to be playing some of Blizzard's titles -- in particular, World of Warcraft Classic. Players noticed significant disruptions,...
Another DDOS e-thug has landed jail time – this one owes Daybreak $95K
We get so many tips about MMOs being DDOSed that we often don't even cover them unless they stretch on for days or there's...
Albion Online checks in with an update from the DDOS defensive front
As we reported earlier, poor Albion Online is suffering from some protracted DDOS attacks because... well, who really knows. Director Robin Henkys has checked...
Another e-thug responsible for DDOSing SOE years back is brought to justice
Hey, remember a few years ago when there was a new Lizard Squad article like every month, thanks to the fact that the e-thug...
Final Fantasy XIV is weathering intermittent DDOS attacks
Ah, the DDOS attack, a time-honored way of making a large number of players upset simply because someone can. Final Fantasy XIV has been...
World of Warcraft DDOSer sentenced to a year in prison, Blizzard chats about Battle for Azeroth’s latest round of faction wars
Blizzard is not messing around with DDOS attacks. The BBC has a piece out on a World of Warcraft player from Romania, Calin Mateias, who...
Trion deals with DDOS attacks while ArcheAge dives into its Maelstrom update
Trion Worlds is reporting "intermittent" attacks on its Dallas hub over the last day that are causing connectivity issues for some of its online...
WildStar, Blade and Soul, Aion, and Lineage II come under DDoS attacks
Hackers launched an offensive against NCsoft yesterday, targeting several of the company's MMORPGs in a series of DDoS attacks. WildStar, Aion, Lineage II, and...
Albion Online wings a week of extra time at players for DDOS disruptions
Albion Online emerges this week extremely battered and bruised after a prolonged series of DDOS attacks against the game and even demands for ransom...
Albion Online offers proof that it is still being DDOSed by RMT blackmailers
It's hard not to feel sorry for Albion Online.
As we've been reporting, the newbie sandbox has been absolutely plagued by a long series of nasty...