
The Daily Grind: Are you a min-maxer in MMORPGs?

A few weeks back, the Skyrim Grandma - aka Shirley Curry, who's been profiled in our own Massively Uplifting column more than once -...

The Daily Grind: What do you think is right to charge for in a free-to-play MMO?

We all understand that free-to-play games still basically want your money, yes? That's the whole point of the business model. But the question is...

The Daily Grind: What parts of an MMO should be automated?

When we think of "automation" in MMOs, usually our mind goes straight to what we see happening in mobile online games. Everything there seems...

The Daily Grind: Do you eat while playing MMORPGs?

Back in May, Newzoo came out with a report that asserts something like four in five gamers across the world are also busy stuffing...
Oh no tentacles.

The Daily Grind: What widely loathed system in an MMO do you really like?

As broken as it was, I still did like the foundations behind Final Fantasy XIV's launch setup of abilities. The down side to this system,...
So here's the deal.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO are you most nostalgic for?

I'll admit it, I'm an absolute fool for nostalgia. Things that I loved in the past can still bring a warm glow to my...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you played a ‘dead’ MMO

Earlier this week, I trolled myself by picking up the charity Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I say I trolled myself because...
Come on, man.

The Daily Grind: Which long-in-testing MMOs should just toughen up and launch already?

I like a lot of the stuff that Warframe does, but it still sparks anger in me when someone reminds me that the game is technically...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO studios favor console or PC players more?

Here's a topic that I'm torn on answering definitively because I think it changes from studio to studio when it comes to prioritizing the...
I'm going to master letting this play instead of me.

The Daily Grind: Do you bother reporting miscreants in MMORPGs?

Retired MOP writer and all around epic human Mike Foster (yo Mike!) recently tweeted about his days working as a GM for World of...
Let's dig our way out!

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG sees the most multiboxing as of 2020?

A couple of months ago, I read a post on the Nomadic Gamers, Eh! blog where Stargrace begins her post talking about multboxing in...
Sometimes the game hates you trying to understand it.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most irritating bit of MMO randomness you’ve dealt with?

I've frequently said that Final Fantasy XI influenced a lot of my later feelings on MMOs, and this is also true of the crafting. For...

The Daily Grind: Which lowbie MMO alt have you enjoyed playing the most?

Looking back over all of the characters that I've made in MMOs, I've probably spent half my time on low-level alts that never went...

The Daily Grind: What was the last ‘new’ thing you learned about an MMO you’ve played a long time?

So I've been playing SWG Legends about two years now, and yet I'm constantly learning things that are completely new to me. For example,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO antagonists do you still fondly remember?

For some reason, even in the earlier years of World of Warcraft, my favorite antagonists were never the big villains that were supposedly built up...

The Daily Grind: Would you do MMO quests if they didn’t offer rewards?

Does everything we do in an MMORPG have to be motivated by a reward? I was thinking about that the other day in Lord...

The Daily Grind: Are gaming subs due for a comeback?

When I first started at Massively-that-was, over 10 years ago now, I remember it being a crash-course not in MMOs, which I knew backward...
Or not. We could not.

The Daily Grind: What was the most disappointing MMO launch you’ve ever experienced?

I'm pretty sure that yes, Phantasy Star Online 2 is the worst and most disappointing MMO launch I've ever gone through. That means that it's...

The Daily Grind: Helmet on, helmet off?

It's the perennial question of MMORPG characters: Do you wear a helmet or not? This may be a trickier question than it first seems. Avatar...

The Daily Grind: Should gamers be entitled to jump MMO queues if they sub?

The launch of Elder Scrolls Online's Greymoor this week was a bit of a bungle, though not one we've never seen before. Launching MMOs...