

Project Gorgon previews its Orc community dungeon

The largest and toughest dungeon in Project Gorgon to date is getting ready for its online debut. The team gave a sneak peek at...

The Stream Team: ARK’s big Broodmother raid, take two

The first attempt at facing the Broodmother in ARK's newer raid arenas ultimately failed in the end. The team just didn't have the numbers...
don't make

World of Warcraft’s Hazzikostas discusses the goals for future Artifact Power implementation

There has been some back-and-forth about World of Warcraft's Artifact Power system. The problem that people have run into, essentially, is that the game's...

Dragon Nest players have Granom Nest to clear out

Think you've seen everything in Dragon Nest? You're pretty elite and you've come back in time from the future, so you probably have. But...

Devilian’s newest dungeon and raid goes live

Just in time for yesterday's lovefest, Devilian unleashed wave after wave of nailbiting terror with group instances that will make your hair turn white...
Starting off on the autocratic foot.

Choose My Adventure: Reconsidering WildStar, from pre-launch to now

In order to talk about WildStar, we kind of have to talk about Firefly. And no, not in the obvious way where we talk...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s latest raid might be a too little too late

When Star Wars: The Old Republic launched, I was champing at the bit for raids. Then when I heard about the launch bugs from...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 104: WoW Token resistance

Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WoW tokens, Ashes of Creation, Guild Wars 2, and Revelation Online, plus financials on Blizzard, NCsoft, Nexon, Square, and Funcom, with a mailbag question on playing what you love vs. going with the crowd.

Neverwinter’s Spellplague Caverns gets a tune-up

Do you like it when a developer goes back into a familiar dungeon to retune it? There's a case for familiarity and a case...

Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy introduces new randomized skirmish, weapon sets

When Neverwinter's Cloaked Ascendancy expansion launches on February 21st, players are heading into the city itself to defend it from onslaught. And one of...

Global Chat: Get over the lockbox debate already

One of the largest and most enduring arguments of the MMO genre is the purpose, legality, and profitability of so-called lockboxes in games. We've...

The Stream Team: ARK’s night is dark and full of dinos (to eat)

Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night? You should be in ARK -- especially if that bump also bites! Unless,...

EverQuesting: Ten things to do in Landmark before it’s gone

T minus 11 days and counting. That's all the time Landmark has left. That's not a lot of time. If you haven't built all...

Blade & Soul opens a pair of raids in its Wings of the Raven update

Coming at players like a massive one-two punch, Blade & Soul's newest update contains a pair of 24-player raids designed to take you to...
Oh, thanks.

Massively Overthinking: Unholy MMORPG hybrids

Massively OP reader and frequent tipster Gibbins wants us to play match-maker. "I love the wonderful world that Bethesda created with the Fallout franchise, not...

Perfect Ten: Ranking MMORPG combat pets, from best to worst

It's an objectively known fact that Warhammer Online's squigs were the peak of MMORPG pet design and functionality. Giant balls of attitude and appetite...

Guild Wars 2 AMA: DPS meters, PAX East, raiding, and insider trading

Following the launch of Guild Wars 2's Head of the Snake episode yesterday -- a day late, but fully intact! -- 21 members of...

World of Warcraft’s pet battle dungeon takes your little buddies through a gauntlet of pain

World of Warcraft's pet battle system is one of those features that either you really love or you completely ignore. If you're of the...

Ashes of Creation demos new dungeon video, won’t ‘sacrifice aesthetics for performance’

Curious what Ashes of Creation looks like in action? The team released its first gameplay video last night, showing a mage exploring an icy...

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s The Head of the Snake

If you're reading this, then the poor ArenaNet team has finally managed to battle the crazy weather and pressed the big red button: The...