en masse entertainment

Studio known in the west chiefly for action MMO TERA

TERA is going berserk with its new update and new class tease

Summer's certainly not going to be boring in TERA's neck of the woods. The action MMO is prepping a new content update for next...
This image actually makes me not want to inflict this on my friends, but...

TERA introduces recruit-a-friend rewards

Are you playing TERA? Do you have friends who are not playing TERA? Are said friends also swayed by the thought of both of...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 healthiest live MMOs

One question that consistently pops up across the MMO gaming circuit is, "What are the most popular/healthy/active MMOs out there?" Every time I see...
Ice cold.

TERA is getting region-locked on Steam

If you want to play TERA in Russia, you certainly can, as the game has a Russian publisher. The game is also available on...

TERA is adding a new PvE server on June 9

En Masse is adding a new server to TERA! The firm says that the Steam launch and the introduction of the new Gunner class...
Finally, your character can be known as Corporal Chesty.

TERA is releasing inactive character names

Names in MMOs are important. You want people to know who you are at a glance, after all. TERA has a lot of character...

One Shots: My imaginary friends

Here's a fun thought: What if we aren't actually playing MMOs? What if we're just sitting in front of blank screens, creating fantasy worlds...

En Masse says that TERA is ‘the most played MMORPG on Steam’

Steam and TERA are a match made in F2P heaven, apparently. The latest En Masse press release heralds the action fantasy title as "the most played MMORPG on...

Massively Overthinking: The return of ‘consequences’ to MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from Kickstarter donor Antonia "Toni" Phillips aka ToniLyran, who's hit on a sore point with our writers, it...

TERA arrives on Steam with the Gunner class patch

TERA fans have been anticipating the game's newest class for a while now -- and today, it's here. Patch 31.04 debuts the Gunner, a...

TERA turns three, preps for big month of May

Can you believe that TERA turns three today? Yep, it's true, and May is a big month for En Masse's action-combat MMO. There's the new...

The Stream Team: Tearing through mobs with TERA’s Gunner class

MassivelyOP's MJ is experiencing a change -- to the DPS side! TERA's new Gunner class has her shooting up the countryside with an almost...

Blasting through a hands-on with TERA’s new Gunner

Are you tempted by TERA's new Gunner? I am. Admittedly it's been a long while since I've frolicked in the land of Arborea, but my interest is...

TERA gets the Gunner class and a Steam launch on May 5

TERA is adding the Gunner class in its May 5th patch. The fantasy MMO is also arriving on Steam that same day. The Gunner...
The lesson here is that someone will always find a way to make a fun thing miserable.

Neverwinter disables promotional codes following exploits

Last week, the Neverwinter team distributed a little bonus code via email to player accounts in celebration of the Elemental Evil update -- just...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO money

Two days ago, World of Warcraft launched the WoW Token service, which will kill the game forever. It thus joins the list of every...

TERA’s Dreadspire dungeon is live

TERA's new Dreadspire dungeon is live, bringing with it 20 levels of "BAMs and baddies" that players must plow through to reach the summit....

Skycastles take flight in TERA’s newest patch

Hope you're not afraid of heights, for skycastles have arrived in TERA. The gravity-defying guild houses are just part of yesterday's Patch 30.09. Guilds won't...

TERA dungeon triggers player controversy

A new TERA dungeon named Ghillieglade has raised the ire of European players who discovered that the "extremely easy" instance delivers incredible rewards with...

New vid teases TERA’s Sky Cruiser Endeavor dungeon

TERA's newest dungeon is Sky Cruiser Endeavor, which is coming -- in both normal and hard modes -- to a server near you on...