
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s endgame dungeons, from launch to present

It's crazy to realize that Final Fantasy XIV has added more dungeons via patches in a year and a half than World of Warcraft has...
It's coming down.

Final Fantasy XIV nerfs the Steps of Faith in 2.57 patch

Are you stuck on the last part of Final Fantasy XIV's main scenario quest? The last trial introduced, Steps of Faith, is a pretty...
Not a puppy.

Destiny’s second expansion gets a video preview

If you're anything like me, you found out that Destiny's second expansion does not actually contain a literal house of wolves and got very...
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: How to catch up in Final Fantasy XIV (before Heavensward arrives)

Let's assume you've just recently gotten to the level cap in Final Fantasy XIV and you're ready to start in on catching up to...
I don't miss the days without blood elves, not at all.

WoW Factor: The WoW token and the upcoming patch

Since the last edition of WoW Factor, two big things hit World of Warcraft in quick succession. The first is that the much-discussed WoW...

WildStar deep-dives in the Bay of Betrayal

The Bay of Betrayal is another piece of content being added in WildStar's next patch, and it adds in a few more new ideas...
How did everything go so predictably wrong?

World of Warcraft adds retro ‘timewalking’ dungeons

There's no reason for you to go back to older dungeons in World of Warcraft unless you particularly like the look of something that...
Running toward the blue sky.

Wisdom of Nym: What we now know about Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

I honestly hadn't expected to learn quite this much about Heavensward this soon. I don't know why I hadn't expected this, to be fair;...

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward’s spoiler-filled trailer

We're going to tell you this right up front: if you haven't yet done the patch 2.55 story quests and don't want to be...
Nothing is ever a monster made out of chocolate and cuddles.

Skyforge outlines the details of Distortions

The world of Aelion has a whole lot of deities, but players in Skyforge will quickly discover that this is for the same reason...
Explode everywhere.

WildStar shows off its next raid, Initialization Core Y-83

WildStar is bringing a new raid into the game, Initialization Core Y-83, and it's pretty different from its previous raids. Not fond of attunement...
What's that saying about diving into the past because the present is less interesting?

RIFT chronicles the remaking of the Hammerknell raid

If you came into RIFT late in its life cycle, you missed Hammerknell. If you weren't raiding when Hammerknell was super relevant to the...
For one reading of this sequence of words, this looks right.

Dungeons & Dragons Online drops Update 25 and the Temple of Elemental Evil

So what is the Temple of Elemental Evil? Is it a temple devoted to evil performed by elementals? Is it a temple devoted to...
The future is dragons, as is the present.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Steps of Faith

It happened, just as expected. A day after I posted a lengthy column discussing Final Fantasy XIV's last big pre-expansion patch, that patch dropped, and...
Eff a robot.

Skyforge unveils high-end content and kicks off a beta PvP event

So what awaits you at the end of the road in Skyforge? Sure, you become a deity, but what are you actually going to...

Hyperspace Beacon: Eight reasons to return to SWTOR

In the midst of this rebirth of Massively, I found myself suddenly placed in charge of my Star Wars: The Old Republic guild. We are on...
Pictured: Love.

Final Fantasy XI previews its February version update

February's a short month, so it's easy to not expect much out of it. The team behind Final Fantasy XI is still bringing new...
Also, I really like a lot of the Iron Horde aesthetic, even if they've proven pretty ineffectual from a narrative standpoint.

This WoW boss fight is causing motion sickness

When you jump into a World of Warcraft raid, you're hoping to get some keen new armor, maybe a weapon or two, that sort...
Ultimate pens.

DC Universe Online launches Amazon’s Fury part II

Are you ready to go head-to-three-heads with Cerberus, guard dog of the Underworld? Because that's what you'll be doing when you pop into the...