

The Daily Grind: What do you think about ‘gear peacocks’ in MMOs?

Every so often, usually when it comes to World of Warcraft, I hear what I've always thought of as the Peacock Defense for making raid...
Now make them reproduce.

OrbusVR adds in new pet breeding and gear combination

In the real world, walking up to someone and asking if you can put your dragons together will probably get you arrested. In OrbusVR,...
Leave your clothing on.

Revelation Online encourages you to strip… your gear of enhancements

It is possible that Revelation Online could have used a thesaurus for its latest feature, as "stripping your gear" produces a mental image that...
Clothe me.

Neverwinter reveals gear sets found in Tomb of Annihilation

When you dive into Chult for Neverwinter's next expansion, you're going to be facing new threats. And what goes well with new challenges? New...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Star Wars: The Old Republic crafting is meant to gear up alts in Knights of the Eternal Throne

When Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne launches, we will all be very tired of typing out that lengthy title...
Stylish and functional.

DC Universe Online shows off the new gear of Episode 27

Gear is important, even in DC Universe Online. Sure, the idea of collecting stat upgrades with equipment doesn't exactly mesh with the fiction, but...
Oh, good, more managing!

Skyforge’s new equipment system means less bag management and fewer extra resources

If you're one of the few people who really enjoy messing around with bag space, Skyforge's revamped equipment system will strike you as a...
Literally a fresh hell.

Albion Online introduces the Hell artifacts

A new batch of artifacts is arriving in Albion Online, and it's hellish. These are literally called the Hell Artifacts, you see, and are...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online explains gearing changes for the New Order update

The New Order hitting Allods Online is going to be changing how players acquire gear in a big way, and it's going to be...
The only upgrade I need is more burn.

Skyforge explains amulets and trophies

Equipment in Skyforge is fairly straightforward for the most part, but like any game, it features some unique options. Case in point: amulets and...
You might even call it diabolical! If you wanted to get sued, which we do not.

Devilian spotlights the Shadowhunter and the Talisman mechanic

You wouldn't think that hunting shadows would be a very lucrative profession, since all it takes to catch them is a light source and...
Stab some stuff.

Wisdom of Nym: How to catch up in Final Fantasy XIV (before Heavensward arrives)

Let's assume you've just recently gotten to the level cap in Final Fantasy XIV and you're ready to start in on catching up to...