eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

EVE Online’s latest patch makes new tweaks to its dynamic bounty system and opens more spooky space

The dynamic bounty system (DBS) of EVE Online and its related dynamic bounty multiplier (DBM) is seeing some further adjustment in the game's latest...

The Stream Team: Ddemon Llamas in Trove’s Shadow’s Eve

Halloween isn't very scary in Trove; in fact, it's usually pretty adorable. But that doesn't mean Massively OP's MJ won't enjoy the holiday in...

EVE Online brings Halloween to outer space with Crimson Harvest

Do they trick or treat in space? If they do, it's probably a cumbersome process with a lot of airlocks and spacesuits and freeze-dried...

EVE Online’s latest update improves sound, graphics, and UI performance, promises more in November

EVE Online has evolved. You could say it EVEvolved, but that would be stupid; nobody intelligent would make that joke. The point is that...

EVE Online introduces new multi-month Omega subscription plans

Remember back in April when EVE Online announced that it was raising the price of its monthly Omega subscription plan? Remember how angry people...

Massively Overthinking: Do you take vacation time to play MMOs?

Back when Amazon was busy merging several dozen Lost Ark servers, I saw a comment thread where people were grousing about being locked out...

One Shots: Hey Hobbit, what’s ursine?

Lord of the Rings Online's recent loosening of class/race restrictions is either the greatest or the worst thing that's happened to the game, depending...

Stick and Rudder: Venturing into EVE Online’s nullsec

EVE Online is a game that offers many experiences, from NPC faction warfare to harvesting, refining, and building to market speculation. But the one...

Raph ‘Designer Dragon’ Koster reminisces on 25 years of Ultima Online

While our own Game Archaeologist columnist Justin offered a retrospective of Ultima Online (and its alt ruleset server New Legacy was delayed into next...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs push players through different content types?

MOP reader Slava recently wrote to us with an interesting question about wildly different content types and the MMOs that either nudge or force...
It could be fantastic, at least.

Global Chat: Warming up to story-driven MMORPGs

Do you play MMOs for the narrative or ignore the story altogether? There's a sharp line dividing the community on this issue, but MMO...

One Shots: Postcards from the galactic rim

While most of you toil and adventure away in the gravity well of a single planet, some daring MMOstronauts (is that a term? It...

Stick and Rudder: ‘Robin Hood’ scammer claims he robbed rich EVE Online corp of $100 billion ISK

EVE Online is a game that will certainly go down in MMO history as one of the most fascinating studies on human behavior to...

Global Chat: Torchlight Infinite’s infinite challenges

The upcoming Torchlight Infinite is starting to build some positive buzz for this multiplayer ARPG, and Battle Stance was on the scene to check...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: An MMO sunset tour for 2022 to date

MMO sunsets can be weird. I am never happy when a game that people love goes away. It always represents a lot of lost...
Not the problem.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 388: Elyon descends through finite care

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Classic's Wrath pre-patch, New World's new servers, Elyon's sunset, Bless Unleashed's sunset, EVE Online Uprising, Star Trek Online's Wil Wheaton, and Temtem's launch, with adventures in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, with a lightning round of MMO questions from the mailbag.

Perfect Ten: Recent promising MMOs that died before they were born

Is there anything more agonizing to an MMO fan than to get excited about a promising title and then see that title cancelled before...

EVE Online announces November expansion called Uprising

Whether you're a bittervet or a starry-eyed noob, every EVE Online player's ears are going to perk up a bit today at the news...

The Daily Grind: Do you want another game in the EVE universe?

CCP Games, we gotta talk. You've been trying to make the EVE Online "universe" thing happen a long time. You've put out so many...

MMO dev Raph Koster disambiguates sandboxes, themeparks, simulation, and stagecraft

Veteran MMO developer Raph Koster, who himself is working on a sandbox MMO couched in a metaverse, is back with another dev blog this...