
Jukebox Heroes: The best of vanilla World of Warcraft’s soundtrack

With half the MMO community in a frenzy about the coming of World of Warcraft Classic this summer, many a gamer's mind has turned...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: How WoW Classic could advance beyond its phased content rollout

It's far too early to say that World of Warcraft: Classic will get more updates beyond the planned phases of vanilla content. It could be...
And here, we see yet another thing thrown away for no damn reason.

Storyboard: Exploring religion in MMOs

One of the things I wanted to do in bringing back Storyboard was to expand a little bit beyond just roleplaying to the stuff...

Vague Patch Notes: The curious case of the esports bubble

I've been thinking a lot about esports lately. This is not actually something I like to think about, mind you; my general attitude toward esports...
I'm not him! I don't even look like him!

Into the Super-verse: Why didn’t Champions Online do better?

A while back I was flipping through the backlog of my personal gaming blog, looking at the history of my gaming trends, particularly in...

Massively Overthinking: Does the MMO genre have too many games for its own good?

Last month I saw a video from YouTuber Josh Strife Hayes with an eyebrow-raiser of a thesis: He essentially argues that we have too...

Perfect Ten: SNES games that would have made for amazing MMORPGs

I think many of us hold a fond nostalgic torch for a specific console or computer that meant a lot to us growing up,...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling the ‘big four MMOs’ meme

Over the last couple of months, there's been a meme floating around the MMORPG subreddit. Someone will ask that the community recommend a game,...
Oh bang.

Vague Patch Notes: Don’t take it personal, it just ain’t your (MMO) story

Here's an interesting fact of trivia for you for today: I am pretty much clocked out when it comes to news about H1Z1. The game...

Tamriel Infinium: Massively OP’s guide to The Elder Scrolls Online’s cash shop

Ah, the crown store: the third leg of the business model (along with buy-to-play and subscription) that’s powered The Elder Scrolls Online to one...

Not So Massively: StarCraft II co-op is one of online gaming’s greatest hidden gems

Between the disappointment of the current World of Warcraft expansion, the abandonment of Diablo III, and other... unpleasantness, I find my lifelong fandom of...

LOTRO Legendarium: How LOTRO does Lord of the Rings justice

Oh. Oh no you didn't, Kotaku. You didn't just sit there, scratching your head for an easy post, and then write up an essay...

Massively Overthinking: What are your favorite MMO ‘chores’?

A few months ago, The Outline ran a piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 titled I don't wanna do my video games chores, and...
Sometimes the theme is just disappointment.

Vague Patch Notes: On fans and fanboys in MMORPGs

When you play Final Fantasy XIV, you are going to be stuck playing one of an assortment of jobs, with no actual customization to distinguish...
This was once controversial!

Perfect Ten: Helpful tips for returning to City of Heroes in 2019

With the (community-led) rebirth of City of Heroes in 2019, a rather interesting problem has arisen for this superhero title: Namely, players who never...

Lawful Neutral: What DMCA exemption victories really mean for MMO preservation

You might remember back in October, we covered how the US Library of Congress granted expanded DMCA exceptions for preserving online games. The Library...

Massively Overthinking: Unpopular MMORPG opinions

Unpopular opinions: We all have them. In fact we have so many that it's a straight up meme. This week's Massively Overthinking is one...

Perfect Ten: The 10 most adorable MMORPGs ever

We all like to think of ourselves as cultured and deep individuals who routinely calculate square roots and recite Gilbert and Sullivan at dinner...

Massively Overthinking: Do you play MMO characters you like – or characters that are objectively good?

Earlier this week, some Massively OP writers were hanging out in team chat talking about favorite City of Heroes powersets from back in the...
no mad lizert

Perfect Ten: Disney movies are all MMO experiences

As a general rule, I feel about Disney films the same way other people feel about the MCU films: They're fine, I'll watch one...