
Official Site: EverQuest
Studio: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: March 16, 1999
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Cash Shop, Optional Sub)
Platform: PC

The Daily Grind: Have you ever run an event in an MMO?

Long ago, I used to live for player-run MMO events. In old-school MMORPGs, people judged a guild's quality as much on what it did for...
Mead mead mead mead mead mead.

EverQuest Next challenges players to design buildings for Halas

One of the cooler parts of the EverQuest Next development process is that it's not happening behind closed doors; players have already had the...

Massively Overthinking: Whither went the classic PvE MMORPG?

Today's Massively Overthinking question was sent via e-pigeon from Kickstarter donor Apollymi. No e-pigeons were hurt in the writing of this article. "Have you heard...

The Daily Grind: How much money have you spent on MMOs this month?

I bought EverQuest II's latest expansion yesterday, and along with my SOE Statio... er, my Daybreak All-Access pass and my Star Wars: The Old...

Pantheon’s Brad McQuaid on mass market MMOs, Smed’s resignation

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Brad McQuaid has a word or two (thousand) to say about the ongoing debate as to what constitutes an...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...

The Stream Team: Stroll the streets of EverQuest Next’s Qeynos in Landmark

One key selling point of Landmark was how it gives players the chance to be a part of creating EverQuest Next. Through the...

Perfect Ten: MMO fan fashion scenes

For some of us, having the best gear -- stat-wise -- isn't a driving force for playing MMOs. Now, the best-looking gear? That's a...

John Smedley relinquishes his post at Daybreak

VentureBeat is reporting that John Smedley has stepped down as President of Daybreak Game Company, the studio behind multiple MMOs, including the entire EverQuest...
Everything old is... still old, but a newer sort of old.

EverQuest progression server transfers coming soon

The classic EverQuest progression servers have proven pretty popular, enough that the two servers are going to deviate from one another in terms of...

The Soapbox: An ode to MMO positivity

I had a strange thought the other day, at least as regards the MMO genre. I'm kinda having fun here. I know, it surprised...

EverQuesting: Holly Longdale was right about casuals and raiding

How's the weather over in EverQuest? Well there was a doozy of a storm that rolled through recently! I am going to admit that...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Online

The Sims Online was one of the odder entrants into the MMO genre, an online iteration of an immensely popular game franchise that promised...

Earn new EverQuest and Landmark rewards with the EQ Worlds app

It might be time to dig out that mostly-forgotten EverQuest Worlds mobile app, especially if you've been playing one of Daybreak's fantasy titles. The...

EverQuest II begins testing its new progression servers

Will EverQuest II's new progression servers prove to be the popular gathering spot that EverQuest's was earlier this summer? We will soon find out,...

One Shots: Impossible architecture

When you construct your buildings out of pixels and polygons, you don't necessarily have to worry about what's physically possible and what isn't, just...

Massively Overthinking: On the doom of server-wide MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes from KS donor Morreion, who asks, Do you think that MMO server-wide communities will ever make a comeback? I suppose...
Ominous? Does that have the same root?

Daybreak overrules EverQuest progression server vote

Part of what keeps the community engaged with progression servers like the most recent EverQuest pairing of Ragefire and Lockjaw is the idea that...

E3 2015: Holly Longdale on the EverQuest franchise’s progression servers

Progression servers are definitely a hot topic in the EverQuest franchise right now. EverQuest recently opened up a new one for those nostalgic for...

Massively Overthinking: Random encounters in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor TheChiHawk, and it's coming from an unusually not-so-massive corner of gamesdom for us: Are...