
LOTRO Legendarium: Six places LOTRO could go after Mordor

It always seems a bit unfair, a bit impatient, and a bit premature to be asking that eternal question of an MMO: "What's next?"...

The Stream Team: The MOP team dives into Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire

The power of Guild Wars 2's expansion Path of Fire is so great, it brought Massively OP's Bree, Tina, and MJ together! That's right, all...

Massively Overthinking: How will Star Citizen make money after launch?

During this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I attempted to tackle a question sent in by commenter and listener Sally Bowls - specifically,...

Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire has launched; get caught up on the expansion here!

Update: It's live now! Have fun! Guild Wars 2 officially launches its second B2P expansion, Path of Fire, today. In just two hours in fact....

EverQuesting: Is EverQuest II in a downward spiral?

Are we witnessing the death throes of EverQuest II? Of the whole EverQuest franchise? These questions have been at the forefront of my mind lately....

Enter to win a Neverwinter gorgon mount on Xbox One and PS4 from PWE and MOP

To celebrate the arrival of the Tomb of Annhilation expansion for Neverwinter on console, PWE has granted Massively OP 100 Firesoul Gorgon mount keys to give away to our readers-- 50...

Tamriel Infinium: First impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC

It's hard to know where to start with these impressions because the upcoming DLC for Elder Scrolls Online is significantly more complex, more extensive,...
I fell into a burning fire of fire.

Here’s what’s changed since you last played Guild Wars 2, including Path of Fire’s spec changes

Hey, there's a Guild Wars 2 expansion coming: Path of Fire. Maybe you're coming back for that. Maybe you left the game only a...
Everything old is... still old, but a newer sort of old.

Classic EverQuest’s 24th expansion, Ring of Scale, is set to launch in December

Are you sad that the original EverQuest is so neglected? If so, you are wrong. It's not neglected at all. Even if you have...

PSA: This is your last chance to grab the end of Guild Wars 2 Living World Season 3 for free

Coming back to Guild Wars 2 this week due to the hullabaloo over Path of Fire? You might end up with a nice content...

EverQuest II’s newest progression server enters the Desert of Flames while production servers prepare for the Planes of Prophecy expansion

After a summer of dwelling in beginner region bliss, EverQuest II's newest progression server is taking a step forward into expansions for the first...
Bang bang.

Choose My Adventure: The return to Guild Wars 2

Many moons ago, when I was first hired on Massively-that-was, my fellow hire at the time was a lady by the name of Rubi...
They'll let anyone be a primal these days.

Final Fantasy XIV makes both Sleipnir and financial earnings fly

Players have long awaited the chance to make Sleipnir, the mount of the Dark Divinity Odin, soar through the skies in Final Fantasy XIV....

Villagers & Heroes’ Starfall expansion launches today

Villagers & Heroes' Starfall expansion officially launches today - a week earlier than originally planned. Who does that?! Mad Otter Games, that's who. Indeed,...

EverQuest II announces 14th expansion, Planes of Prophecy, accompanied by name purge

EverQuest II Producer Lauren "Mooncast" McLemore has penned the September producer's letter for fans of the franchise. The chief announcement? The game is getting...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Our Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire launch countdown checklist

I can't quite believe that around 18 months of Guild Wars 2 development is about to drop in our laps this week through the Path of...

LOTRO’s Ugrukhor isn’t too happy with the state of affairs in Mordor

The power vacuum created after the fall of Sauron in Middle-earth has wide-spread ramifications for Mordor (the country) and Mordor (the expansion). In its...
Now imagine you're dragging a sack.

Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire is rejiggering crafting material storage to prevent hoarding, and fans are not happy

Material storage in Guild Wars 2 is a pretty important part of the game, especially if you have any interest in crafting. People who...

Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire launch trailer is hot. One might even say it’s on fire. Because it is.

Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire launch is coming up fast on Friday of this very week, which means today is launch trailer day....
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Stormblood dungeons in review

Have I really not talked about the dungeons of Stormblood yet? That's unexpected. Usually I would have mentioned them by now, I talk about...