
See: TheFallout series on Wikipedia. MMO players will forever be waiting for Fallout Online, we suspect.

E3 2018: Star Citizen’s ‘alpha 3.2 teaser’ trailer is gorgeous, and it’s not alpha 3.2

During last night's PC Gaming Show at E3, Cloud Imperium showed a nifty video of Star Citizen that has the community abuzz. Considered out...

The Daily Grind: Will Fallout 76 be a griefer’s paradise or a gamer’s dream?

On Sunday night, the Massively OP staff gathered in our virtual office to watch and discuss the Bethesda conference. There really was a little...

Final Fantasy XIV and Monster Hunter World team up for a bizarre collaboration

Fancy some Monster Hunter in your Final Fantasy XIV? How about a bona fide Monster Hunter World collab? That's what you're getting, according to Square...

E3 2018: Dissecting the Elder Scrolls VI teaser that broke the internet

Last night, Bethesda Director Todd Howard took the E3 stage and practically broke the internet. Of course, he talked about Fallout 76, which everyone...

E3 2018: Fallout 76 partners with Habitat for Humanity for charity – you can contribute for a song (literally)

Still pumped for the full Fallout 76 reveal from last night? Or maybe concerned over the potential for PvP abuse? Regardless of your current...

E3 2018: ‘Fallout 76 is entirely online’

You've seen the teaser. You've heard the rumors. You've watched the E3 trailer. And now it's time to find out, exactly, what Fallout 76...

E3 2018: Elder Scrolls Online announces Wolfhunter and Murkmire DLC (oh yeah, and Elder Scrolls VI is coming!)

At Bethesda's E3 presentation this evening, ZeniMax's Matt Firor announced that The Elder Scrolls Online's next DLC is called Wolfhunter, complete with werewolf theme. And...
lol newb

E3 2018: Fallout 76 is absolutely massive — and here’s the trailer

Right now, every Fallout fan in the world has been singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads" nonstop for the past week or so. That's...

Perfect Ten: What I’ve always wished for in a Fallout MMO

This week I've been absolutely consumed by the thought of Fallout 76. I know, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up for a...

More rumors: Fallout 76 is a co-op game coming in August

While we will have to wait for the June 10th Bethesda E3 showcase for the full scoop on Fallout 76, the rumormill is churning...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 173: The Bless Mess

Justin and Bree discuss Bless Online's launch, EVE Online's Into the Abyss, Fallout 76, Elder Scrolls Online's spyware issue, Path of Exile's Incursion, H1Z1, Star Trek Online, Trove, DDO, and UO, with mailbag questions on the Bless Mess and on open-world immersion.

E3 2018: Fallout 76 takes over the L.A. skyline

If you're heading to E3 in Los Angeles next week, it is going to be quite difficult indeed to avoid any thoughts of Bethesda's...

Amazon posts and retracts a July 2018 release date for Fallout 76

This past week's announcement of Fallout 76 -- Bethesda's newest entry in the post-apocalyptic series -- has just about everyone in the gaming community...

Leaderboard: What type of multiplayer do you think Fallout 76 will have?

After what was nearly an interminable teaser stream, Bethsoft finally announced this morning that it's working on Fallout 76, another entry in a beloved...

EA quarterly financials: Anthem due March 2019, record profits, and lockbox-gambling denialism

EA's quarterly financial report and investor call turned out to be a doozy this year with quite a bit of useful news. To wit: BioWare's...

Niantic stages a second attempt at a summer Chicago Pokemon Go Fest after settling class-action lawsuit

It's no exaggeration to say that last year's Pokemon Go Fest was a complete and total disaster. It made a ton of money -...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s Update 5.9 concludes the traitor storyline in classic style

May the fourth be with you, Massively OP readers. I hope you are having a wonderful unofficial Star Wars holiday. And if you're thinking...

The 2015 ArcheAge class action lawsuit continues, snarled in arbitration appeals

Waaaay back in 2015, a group of ArcheAge players filed a lawsuit against Trion Worlds over the Patron perk mess. Veteran MMO players will...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: Why trend-chasing doesn’t work at all for online games

Video games have always been a remarkably insular field; that's the nature of development. Someone produces Super Mario Bros, and a few years later...

GDC 2018: Exploring SpatialOS with Improbable CCO Bill Roper

SpatialOS: You've probably been seeing this name pop up more and more in the MMO sphere. Worlds Adrift, Mavericks, Fractured, Seed, MetaWorld, and Identity are just some of the titles we've...