
MMO Business Roundup: NetEase stocks dip over internal fraud and corruption investigation

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent business news. This edition is all about money, baby. Well, quarterly financials, anyhow. And also...

Elder Scrolls Online says it won’t punish players using gifting to swap gold for crowns

At the top of the month, ZeniMax Online Studios annoyed Elder Scrolls Online players with a "pause" of in-game gifting, a decision it attributed...

Stick and Rudder: ‘Robin Hood’ scammer claims he robbed rich EVE Online corp of $100 billion ISK

EVE Online is a game that will certainly go down in MMO history as one of the most fascinating studies on human behavior to...

SoulWorker’s original developer threatens play-to-earn copycat MMO with legal action

Not quite a year ago, Gameforge sunsetted the western version of SoulWorker, and the game reverted back to the game's original Korean developer, Lion...

Activision-Blizzard Day 14: Brack and Meschuk exits, fraud lawsuit, proto-union, and Q2 financials

It's been a helluva Tuesday in the swamps of the Activision-Blizzard sexism scandal: The day opened with the departure of J. Allen Brack from...

Chinese fraudsters posed as a famous chili sauce brand to get free keys out of Tencent — and it worked

What you're about to read is an account of how three guys in China defrauded Tencent under the guise of a famous chili sauce...

CS:GO stops letting players sell container keys due to their use in money laundering

The otherwise innocuous activity of selling keys to open containers in CS:GO has apparently been used for far more nefarious purposes. According to a...

Buying too many games in the Epic Games Store could see your account locked down

You just can't make up stuff like this, friends: It turns out that doing something silly like taking advantage of sales in the Epic...

There’s another investor suit mounting against Activision, this one alleging fraud in Bungie split

The controversy over the sudden split between Destiny 2 developer Bungie and longtime publishing partner Activision continues with the announcement that "global investor rights...

Facebook lawsuit reveals ‘friendly fraud’ tactics it employed against underage online gamers

For many of us, Facebook use is something we do grudgingly -- we're never quite liking the social platform, but we're also unable to...

Kakao to Black Desert players: Chargebacks have consequences

Kakao is putting its foot down when it comes to Black Desert players' chargebacks -- that is, attempting to reverse payment for a product...
Someone's getting hurt, and it ain't not me.

Trion’s Scott Hartsman speaks out against G2A: ‘Game creators of all sizes survive on your support’

In the wake of accusations about G2A becoming a haven for unscrupulous third-party sellers to move keys bought with stolen credit cards, Trion Worlds...