free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Stab and cut.

TERA launches its Valkyrie patch Honorbound today [Update: It’s live now!]

At first it was called the Paragon. Then, players revolted, and it was renamed to the Valkyrie. But whatever you call the newest class...

S2 Games launches Brawl of Ages online CCG in early access today

If you were ever a fan of MOBAs Strife and Heroes of Newerth, you're definitely going to want to keep an eye on S2...

BioWare delays SWTOR 5.2 for a week, might be working on KOTOR 3 and a ‘semi-MMO’

Let's rip off this band-aid quickly: There will be no SWTOR Update 5.2 today. BioWare announced on the forums that it is delaying the...

Star Trek Online’s Reckoning headed to consoles on April 18

For one -- just one -- glorious week this month, Star Trek Online's console players will feel content that they will be warping around...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s War for Iokath dailies allow you to play both sides

If you're angling to jump back into Star Wars: The Old Republic for GU 5.2 tomorrow, better take a look at BioWare's latest developer...

LOTRO Legendarium: Playing second fiddle to the Fellowship

Back when Lord of the Rings Online was being developed as Middle-earth Online in the late 1990s, the original concept was to plop players...

Wargaming says betting is ‘a natural part of sports’ and therefore online games

Earlier this month, we covered SuperData's report on the state of gambling practices in digital games, in which one of the analysis firm's claims...

RuneScape airs ’15 Years of Adventure’ documentary

"This is the story of a world created in a kitchen. Of a community bonding as they kill chickens or fish for sharks. It's a...

The Daily Grind: How important are player economies to MMORPGs?

One of the more alarming trends in MMORPGs from the past few years, to me anyway, is the weakening of in-game economic systems, and not...

The MOP Up: Scorpio’s doomsday device (April 9, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

EVE Fanfest 2017: Hands-on with competitive VR sports game Sparc

At the end of February, CCP Games announced a new game that has nothing to do with EVE Online or even the EVE IP. Named Sparc,...

One Shots: Eight-bit vista

One of my favorite MMO April Fools of all time is Guild Wars 2's playable Super Adventure Box. It's so brilliantly designed and executed...

SWTOR posts a trailer for next week’s big raid update

All set for next week's War of Iokath landing in Star Wars: The Old Republic? We've been getting details in dribs and drabs, especially...

Massively Overthinking: It’s the end of The Secret World as we know it

I think I can speak for most of our staff in saying that in November when Funcom first promised a "major upgrade to both retention and...
Aesthetic loadout.

Neverwinter details the mechanics of loadouts

One character build cannot be used for everything in Neverwinter if you want to be the best at what you're doing. Certain situations require...

WeMade Entertainment invests in ArcheAge’s XLGAMES

XLGAMES has received a vote of confidence in the form of some welcome investment from fellow Korean developer (and publisher) WeMade Entertainment. MMO Culture...

Hands-on with TERA’s new Valkyrie class

Last month, TERA's community chose the name of its new class, and next week players will get to not only see that Valkyrie in action...

Marvel Heroes gives players a pep talk over the console announcement

Still feeling all tingly over the recent Marvel Heroes console announcement? It seems like a good fit for the action MMO, even if the...

APB Reloaded tackles console lag and crashes

With the soft launch of APB Reloaded on the PlayStation 4 have come some hard truths: namely that the game isn't quite where the...
I've got to get gone, I've got to get going.

Star Trek Online wants to evaluate your potential

Just like teachers that harp on the unrealized "potential" of slacker students, Star Trek Online is turning a critical eye to its playerbase for...