frostkeep studios

The Stream Team: All your base are belong to Rend

One of the best things about Rend is its emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. And although Massively OP's MJ is only one person, she...

Rend moves to new server hardware, throws out a huge balance patch

Rend is enjoying some strong popularity since transitioning into early access at the end of July. To handle the influx of interested adventurers, Frostkeep Studios...
Baby were born to run from the other side.

Rend’s Jeremy Wood on how Frostkeep borrows from Blizzard, Dark Age of Camelot, and PlanetSide

GameDaily has an interview with Rend's Jeremy Wood this week that covers a bunch of meta topics of interest to MMO players and watchers...

The Stream Team: A surprise Rend survival session

When another server dies sooner than expected, how does Massively OP's MJ cope? By going where she likely won't survive, either! MJ is making...

The Stream Team: Starting Rend for real with early access

Rend's early access has begun, and that means Massively OP's MJ is able to start her permanent character. Well, as permanent as you can...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 180: Superstoked for heroic MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss the influence of City of Heroes (Paragon Chat, SEGS, Valiance Online, Ship of Heroes, and City of Titans), plus WoW, No Man's Sky, SWGemu, Camelot Unchained, STO, CCP's new MMO, and Rend, with a mailbag entry on comments negativity.
among the fields of gold

Rend is hitting Early Access today

It's time to try a different sort of survival sandbox with the launch of Rend's Early Access today. You can pick up the game's...

The Stream Team: Life and death and pets in Rend

Did you get enough Rend yesterday? Massively OP's MJ didn't! She's back in for more survival... or lack thereof. Her goal today is to...

The Survivalist: Hands-on with survival MMO Rend’s closed alpha

It's been nearly a year since I met with Frostkeep Studios at PAX West and got an early first-hand look at Rend, the three-faction...

The Stream Team: Poking around Rend’s closed beta with devs

You've gotten to read about Rend, but now is your chance to see it live. Massively OP's MJ is in the closed beta and...

Previewing Rend: Frostkeep studio visit, early access, PvP, factions, and more

If something goes wrong with Frostkeep's early access launch of Rend, blame me. While I was at the office, I distracted Co-Founders Jeremy Wood and...

Rummaging through Rend: Alpha impressions of Frostkeep’s blissfully social survival MMO

Early access for Rend is just around the corner, which means hype for the game is picking up. Frostkeep recently invited us to check out its...

Interviewing Frostkeep’s CEO as Rend announces July 31 early access

Are you looking for a new way to survive? It's coming. We've watched as Rend wandered down its closed alpha path since May, but...

Rend highlights its bipedal danger birds, the Rocs

There is something faintly familiar about Rend's Rocs. Sure, they are hardly the first example of big bipedal birds, but... something about the way...
We're moving!

Rend is moving faction bases as its alpha rolls on

Everything is moving in Rend. That much should be expected, of course, because the game is still early in its testing cycle. In this...

Rend showcases new Stagswood biome with video

Frostkeep Studios showed off plenty for Rend at E3, as you can see from our hands-on with the game, but the studio still has...

E3 2018: Well-earned hype for Rend’s pets, construction, modding, and PvPvE

When I met Frostkeep Studios' CEO Jeremy Wood and crew at GDC earlier this year, I walked away impressed. I finally felt like I...
Give me my point.

Rend explains its new Control Points in the alpha test

The big focus in Rend is about building and augmenting your faction's base, but there are other parts of the map worth vying for...
Well RENDered.

Rend starts its first public alpha test today

After all the talk and hullabaloo, we can understand being eager to take on Rend as an actual game instead of a concept. Good...
Well RENDered.

PAX East 2018: Frostkeep’s MMO Rend has come a very long way in just one year

My experience with Rend last year felt a bit like stepping into a faerie circle and slipping into another world, sneaking up to a...