
Russia’s Telegram crackdown blocks access to WoW, EVE, and Guild Wars 2

If you play Guild Wars 2, World of Tanks, EVE Online, or World of Warcraft in Russia, you may find that access to these...

The Daily Grind: What could MMO taverns do to get you to stick around?

I have vague memories of ArenaNet talking about Guild Wars 2 taverns prior to its launch and how these spaces would be more than...

NTales: Child of Destiny follows up its global launch with a ‘grand launch’

As a wise man once said, if at first you don't succeed, launch, launch again! Pocket MMO NTales: Child of Destiny has already enjoyed...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Deep-diving Guild Wars 2’s A Bug in the System (Part 1)

Season 4 of Guild Wars 2 Living World was off to a roaring start with Daybreak so I was expecting a solid follow-up in A...

Tencent is bringing mobile OARPG Raziel westward for your clicking pleasure

If OARPGs with Torchlight-esque graphics are your thing and your mobile device packs a punch, then feast your eyes and wallet on Raziel. Gaming...

Guild Wars 2 plans bonus harvesting weekend, backs player artists crowdfunding a GW2 tarot deck for charity

So here's something Guild Wars 2 doesn't do much: special weekend bonus events. This one's probably more about getting folks to buy harvesting tools...

The Daily Grind: What’s the biggest scandal the MMORPG genre has ever seen?

Over the weekend in the Guild Wars 2 spyware article comments, a commenter remarked that Blizzard's Warden spyware was "the biggest scandal in MMOs"...

The Game Archaeologist: Lineage

If we judged MMOs by their numbers alone -- and I'm not suggesting we do so -- then the original Lineage would be the...
I'm here to talk with you about patch cadence.

Guild Wars 2 used client-side spyware to aid its latest purge of potential cheaters

ArenaNet's just gone on a purge of potential cheaters in Guild Wars 2. "Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months," Gaile...

Destiny 2’s second expansion, Warmind, launches May 8, or whatever

Gone are the days when Bungie would put out teases and trailers for its expansions, apparently. Last night, it practically stealth-announced Destiny 2's next...
This is the griffon.

PAX East 2018: An interview with the big griffon statue

Everyone knows that the various people portraying characters at PAX East are just there to portray a character. That's not who they really are....

Tamriel Infinium: Understanding Elder Scrolls Online’s Mephala and speculating on Summerset

Let me teach you how to understand Mephala the Webspinner. Maybe that's misleading; she's a Deadric Prince, and who can really understand the motivations...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: Why trend-chasing doesn’t work at all for online games

Video games have always been a remarkably insular field; that's the nature of development. Someone produces Super Mario Bros, and a few years later...

Guild Chat: Rebuilding a real-life home and an MMORPG guild all at once

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the column through which many Massively Overpowered readers get the help they need to achieve better balance within their...

Guild Wars 2 has completely overhauled gathering tools with glyph upgrades and wardrobe implementation

A couple of weeks ago, a nasty patch bug borked up harvesting tools in Guild Wars 2. Hardest hit were the endless-use versions that...
I can show you the world.

PAX East 2018: Guild Wars 2 game director Mike Zadorojny on Path of Fire, monetization, and more

It's not every day that you walk into a building dominated by an enormous griffon, the enormous statue replicating the mount in Guild Wars...

The Daily Grind: Do you get grumpy over MMO events on repeat?

I'm a huge fan of Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box, even if I am not the best jumper in the world. My kid...

The MOP Up: Paladins’ newest hero will punch your head off (April 8, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Jukebox Heroes: Five great YouTube channels for MMO music

As a collector and reviewer of MMORPG soundtracks, I owe a great debt to fellow music lovers who take the time to somehow extract...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with muscle memory when playing multiple MMORPGs?

I've been playing two games that focus a lot on jumping lately: Trove and Guild Wars 2, specifically Guild Wars 2's Super Adventure Box...