intrepid studios
Massively OP Interview: Ashes of Creation on a new way to MMO
Today, Ashes of Creation takes a big plunge into an all-or-nothing Kickstarter campaign. Over the past few months, the MMO seemed to come out...
Ashes of Creation’s Kickstarter is live, seeking $750,000 to bolster the ‘rebirth of the MMORPG’
"If necessary, I have made some very good friends in my previous business endeavors who are dying to invest." -Steven Sharif, Massively OP interview,...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 114: Moving to the big city
Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Ashes of Creation, Carbine, Marvel Heroes, and Project Gorgon, with mailbag questions on the joys of Trove and the plight of MMO pets.
Ashes of Creation plans May 1 Kickstarter, demos ‘Metropolis’ player city system
We already knew Ashes of Creation was going to run a Kickstarter for funding, but as of this afternoon, we have a date: May...
Ashes of Creation really wants you to grok its node system
We've teased upcoming Ashes of Creation for its "nodes," and apparently Intrepid Studios agrees that they're confusing, as the MMORPG has released a dev...
Ashes of Creation promises a ‘reactive world’
"When you push the world it pushes back. When you give to the world, it gives back. Take too much, and the world just...
Ashes of Creation demos combat gameplay and UI in new alpha video
Ashes of Creation sprung a brand-new alpha video on MMORPG players via PC Gamer this morning. It's not, as suggested there, the team's first...
Ashes of Creation on dungeon finders, soloing, player shops, and guild ethics
MOP tipster Joel let us know about an absolute trove of info flowing in the Ashes of Creation Discord channel thanks to the candor...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 104: WoW Token resistance
Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WoW tokens, Ashes of Creation, Guild Wars 2, and Revelation Online, plus financials on Blizzard, NCsoft, Nexon, Square, and Funcom, with a mailbag question on playing what you love vs. going with the crowd.
Ashes of Creation demos new dungeon video, won’t ‘sacrifice aesthetics for performance’
Curious what Ashes of Creation looks like in action? The team released its first gameplay video last night, showing a mage exploring an icy...
Global Chat: Interior decorating in MMORPGs
With Elder Scrolls Online's new housing system coming early next month and LOTRO testing out some much-needed housing improvements, homemaking seems to be a...
Ship of Heroes’ character customization already looks amazing
If you're a superhero fan who loves hair -- and you probably are, if our City of Titans commenters yesterday are any guide --...
Ashes of Creation might end up paying you to play it
One of the interesting aspects of Ashes of Creation's business model is how the game will let you subsidize your subscription by earning money...
Ashes of Creation details the progress of seasons
The environment in Ashes of Creation is meant to change around you. The most basic level of this, as detailed in the most recent...
Ashes of Creation unloads 25-minute Q&A video
Now that the cat is out of the bag on the existence of Ashes of Creation, the team is charging forward in sharing its...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 99: Landmark goes into the dark
Justin and Bree discuss Landmark, Trove, Asheron's Call, WoW, FFXIV, WildStar, Hi-Rez, and Ashes of Creation before dipping into the mailbag to speculate on Daybreak's future.
Ashes of Creation outlines its reactive player-driven nodes
So what is Ashes of Creation meant to be? Is it supposed to be more of a sandbox, more of a themepark, what? The...
Ashes of Creation demos caravans and villages in beautifully creepy Christmas video
Indie outfit Intrepid Studios has an atmospheric new video out for its fledgling Ashes of Creation MMORPG -- well, not so fledgling after all,...
Ashes of Creation’s art will tell a story
To focus more on building a game and not wrestling with tools, the Ashes of Creation team has been working with the Unreal Engine...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG stories of the year
Earlier this week, we posted our award for the biggest MMORPG story of the year -- the one we thought had the biggest impact...