
This is all going well. Good decisions are being made.

What the Titanforged gear will mean for World of Warcraft: Legion

World of Warcraft players recently got an eyeful of information about Titanforged items and how the game's item levels will work through Legion (and...
Just admit it's launch day.

Shroud of the Avatar’s next major patch lets you target fast and break (your own) stuff

Nothing lasts forever. Entropy creeps in around the edges at all times. Your favorite new shirt will develop fraying, then holes; your favorite book...

Diablo III shows off the rewards for the newly arrived Season 6

It's time to get up and start earning rewards for Diablo III's Season 6! "Now now," you whine. "I have to go to work...

Dungeons & Dragons Online previews the named loot of its next update

The next update for Dungeons & Dragons Online is bringing along some powerful new named items. But are they powerful enough? Will anyone like...

WoW Factor: Levels and legends in the Legion alpha

The alpha testing for World of Warcraft's next expansion rolls on, with the vague hope that we might actually have a beta tag by...
I gots to bag it up.

RIFT asks players what they’d like in a brand-new bag

Inventory space is at a premium in RIFT, but that's always been an issue. The designers are aware of the issue, and they are...
This is the way the world ends.

SMITE rolls out Season 3 with a new map, new skins, and new mechanics

The third season of SMITE has begun! Will Brad reveal his love for Dylan? Will anyone realize that Rachel is carrying Simon's child? Does...

Albion Online patches in more convenience and more undead

The January update for Albion Online really covers every conceivable base. It improves the quality of living for players adventuring through the world, and...
Try to fly better than this.

Get some useful tips on Blade & Soul before it launches tomorrow

Tomorrow's the big launch day for Blade & Soul for anyone not already enjoying the head start opportunity. Users on Reddit have helpfully compiled...
Real-is-brown filter removed.

Check out Escape from Tarkov’s inventory and looting in a new preview video

17In order to perform the eponymous task in Escape from Tarkov, you're going to need stuff. Guns, for example, guns are things. Bullets, too....
Robots will kiss.

Perpetuum posts premium packages to power up players with popular pricing

The developers behind Perpetuum want you to be able to get in and start playing the game on the cheap. Said developers also want...
We have your son in custody. We also have your older, fatter, balder son.

Final Fantasy XIV adds new side stories and weapons in patch 3.15

Getting a level-appropriate weapon in Final Fantasy XIV is not terribly difficult at the moment, but that's not the same as having a weapon...
Wait a moment, I'm out of inventory space.

The Daily Grind: How do you manage your MMO inventory?

I have said in the past that I have an issue with inventory space on a whole. Games like Final Fantasy XIV only compound...
When your promo trailer is complaining about your combat, boy, that's a rough road.

Life is Feudal: Your Own launches out of Early Access with a 40% discount

How do you feel about medieval building sandboxes with titles based around wordplay? If you are intensely excited by them, you'll be happy to...
Show your work.

ECO finishes its account system, keeps moving toward alpha testing

Account systems are boring, but they're also pretty necessary for an online game. Sure, you only notice them when they're bad and/or obtrusive, but...

Diablo III explains the benefits offered by Kanai’s Cube

Your Diablo III characters lead lives in which every new artifact is judged on its ability to crush, exsanguinate, and electrocute every enemy within...
You were a pretty place.

World of Warcraft shakes up itemization in its next patch

If you had been under the impression that World of Warcraft's personal loot was already equivalent in reward amounts to group loot, well... maybe...
It's pretty cute in person.

The Daily Grind: Have you bought real-world memorabilia for an MMO?

I don't think it's going to surprise anyone that I'm a pretty big fan of Final Fantasy XIV. Despite that fact, it may surprise...
hooray sorta

Diablo III’s Patch 2.2.0 adds and improves items

Health potions are one of the core elements of Diablo III, but they're not actually interesting to stock up on. The game has thus...

Diablo III previews upcoming Season 3 rewards

Diablo III players who want to take part in a brand-new season of play don't have much longer to wait. The third season starts...