
GDC Summer 2020: Better living, climate awareness, and citizen science through games

Way back during GDC 2018, I covered several panels relating to gaming for good. Things like citizen science projects, games as medicine or for...
How are you this way.

Wizard101 talks up the arrival of Karamelle, Pirate101 collects community guides

The August 2020 newsletters for both Pirate101 and Wizard101 are both live, each with their own little tidbits of information and community goodness for...

Trove interview: Gamigo on console’s future, Bomber Royale, and the next class for a revamp

With Trove's fifth birthday and its Delves expansion now behind it, we're curious about what's next for the game. Gamigo's Cornelia and Coby -...

The Game Archaeologist: Clone Wars Adventures, the Star Wars MMO everyone kinda forgot

Whenever the topic -- the argument -- of Star Wars MMOs arises, the debate is usually between the merits of the sandboxy Star Wars...

DC Universe Online’s Wonderverse is now available, with its new raid, mission, and alert

As promised, DC Universe Online's Wonderverse episode rolled out after hefty patching last evening. Daybreak's Dimensional Ink Games has delivered a Wonder Woman-centric storyline,...
Let the dead bury their dead, they will come out in droves.

Massively Overthinking: Contemplating the never-ending summer of not-E3

A couple of weeks back, I was reading a piece on RPS that jokingly lamented the way the game reveals of this summer have...

Wizard101 drops a massive summer update with character facelifts

You hear that delighted squealing? It's just the Wizard101 community as they unpack a Christmas' worth of presents in this week's summer content update. KingsIsle's...

Massively Overthinking: Has the pandemic changed your gaming habits?

There was a popular Medium piece floating around last week about how some people are finding refuge in gaming during the still-raging COVID-19 pandemic....

Battle Bards Episode 173: Down on the farm

Seeking a simpler and more quaint life? Then come on down to the farm with the Battle Bards, as the video game music crew...

Massively Overthinking: How much should MMOs cost in 2020?

MOP reader Castagere recently wrote to us with a nod to the growing sentiment across the gaming industry that might indicate a shift in...

Wizard101’s avatar overhauls and Pirate101’s rewarding trivia

KingsIsle's kid-friendly MMORPGs are cranking out the summer fun, so let's touch base with them today and see what's going on in the magical...

Massively Uplifting: Speech therapy, a college class in WoW, and the Ian Holm tribute that crashed LOTRO

Inside or outside? Like a cat at the door, June had many of us unsure if we wanted to go out or stay in;...

New UK parliament report recommends regulation of lockboxes as gambling

Remember last month when UK lawmakers started making fresh noise about classifying lockboxes/lootboxes as gambling to protect children following multiple reports and surveys on...

A new crafting and work order feature has come to horse MMO Star Stable

There's no way I'm letting a chance to talk about online horsies pass me by, especially when crafting's involved. Yep, kid-friendly equestrian-themed MMO Star...

Class action lawsuit alleges Apple promotes gambling via lootboxes through its storefront

Legal moves are being made against the practice of lootbox monetization against one of the largest targets possible. A class action complaint filed with...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you played a ‘dead’ MMO

Earlier this week, I trolled myself by picking up the charity Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I say I trolled myself because...

Massively Overthinking: Do you keep MMOs installed for the login freebies?

MOP reader Styopa proposed this fun topic for Massively Overthinking this week, prompted, he said, by Standing Stone Games' recent promotions for Lord of...

The Game Archaeologist: Were sequels ever a good idea for MMOs?

From movies to books to video games, sequels (and all related spin-offs) are a common sight when a property is sufficiently successful enough. Even...
Team play.

Co-op roguelike Minecraft Dungeons is live today on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and the Switch

Don't tell my kids, but I'm getting them Minecraft Dungeons this week. I mean, really I'm getting myself Minecraft Dungeons this week, but they're...

One Shot: Wedding bells

The other day I showed my kids our wedding video, and while we watched it I was reminded how much sheer work it took...