
The Daily Grind: When was the last time you were wrong about your snap judgment of an MMO?

This weekend I finally got to dig into MapleStory 2 beyond the character creator, and I have to say my initial reaction was oh...

For Science: Why ‘screentime’ is a useless measure of media consumption

A few weeks ago, my eyes skimmed over a discussion some of our commenters were having about video game science - I can't even...
Smoke on the water

Halloween blows through RIFT, Trove, ArcheAge, Atlas Reactor, and Defiance 2050

Something sinister is brewing over at Trion Worlds, and soon the whole world will pay the price as Scott Hartsman's corgi transforms into its...

The Stream Team: Happy 6th birthday Pirate101

Six year olds love to play pirates, but Pirate101 has loved playing its whole life! And today is its sixth birthday. Massively OP's MJ...
Launch or do not, folks.

Skyforge launches into open beta in Japan on October 11

If there's one thing Japanese people like, it's science fantasy action RPGs. (If there are two things, the other one is not having kids.)...

The MOP Up: Sony’s PlayStation 3 sunset apocalypse

Sony's decision to shut down several online servers for some past PlayStation 3 games on October 25th is shaping up to be a sunset...
Whatever of whatever.

Tencent is working on locking kids out of Chinese games using facial recognition tech

So add this one to your creepy dystopian nightmare-fuel bin: In the war on supposed gaming addiction, at least one corporation is hoping to...
It's clear now.

Perfect Ten: Failed MMOs that could have succeeded with more love

Hindsight is 20/20. Unless you're blind in one eye from nostalgia, in which case hindsight is 0/20. In any case, you understand that it's...

The last remnants of Club Penguin are sunsetting, again, as Disney lays off Club Penguin Island staff

Back in 2017, Disney announced that it was shutting down kid-friendly MMO Club Penguin after 12 years of play, replacing it with a new...

Wizard101 shares a whole list of facts you might not know about its development

If you weren't already aware, we like lists of 10 around here. So we're pleased by the format Wizard101 chose to use in revealing...
Sure, great, whatever.

Fortnite counts almost 80M players per month as the Fall Skirmish boots up

Still snubbing Fortnite as a kids game? You're not alone, but you're definitely in the minority. It turns out that Epic Games has roped...
I believe we have a spaceship.

The Daily Grind: Do you think you’ve aged out of MMOs?

There's this particular template for covering MMORPGs on mainstream gaming websites that I cannot stand: the old "haha, MMOs are weird and old, let's...
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Warframe

Warframe’s latest development stream was all about shredding on your K-Drive

When Warframe players get to Fortuna and meet the Vent Kids, they're not going to be ranked by who has the best weapons. They're...

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s starbase defense

With the Age of Discovery pack on its way this fall, players of Star Trek Online are probably curious what the studio has up its sleeve...

Pirate101 teases quest finder and expanded inventory as Wizard101 gears up for Empyrea part two

Wizard101 has been getting all the attention lately, what with its 10th birthday party festivities and all, but its younger sibling Pirate101 has plenty...

Wizard101 turns 10, plans Steam launch and huge party

Wizard101's 10th birthday is upon us, which means there's a whole ton of people right now in college feeling all the nostalgia about the...

LOTRO Legendarium: The unique feel of Lord of the Rings Online

I am very much a creature who is affected deeply by my environment. I suspect all of us are to varying degrees, but I...
ESO Tales of the Dead

The Daily Grind: If you were an MMO NPC, what items would you drop for the players who slay you?

I fell in love with an epic and frankly underrated Twitter thread from game dev Ben Porter this week. "If you were an NPC,...

One Shots: Sunspears attack!

Which MMO has aged the best in terms of its graphics? While some games have enjoyed the benefits of visual upgrades, I have to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 183: Battle for Battle for Azeroth

Eliot, Justin, and Bree discuss WoW Battle for Azeroth, Fallout 76, WildStar, NCsoft, Ashes of Creation, MMO Kickstarters, FFXIV, and SWG, with more haiku and mailbag entry on rating WoW for kids.