Tack this on your list of action-RPGs to watch. Mad Head Games announced that it is developing a blend of ARPG and MOBA with its upcoming Pagan Online. The title is being made in conjunction with Wargaming and should come out next year.
“We’ve modernized how combat in a top-down action RPG works, taking cues from MOBAs to create something that’s fast-paced, overwhelming with enemies, and super challenging,” said Creative Director Uros Banjesevic.
This is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have, drop us a tip)!
A player flea market has been added to Escape from Tarkov to facilitate trading!
EverQuest and EverQuest II were talking up their respective Burning Lands and Chaos Descending expansions!
Work with Access is, quote, “a Virtual Reality Free to Play Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Work & Business Life Simulation with a Free Market Real Cash Economy built on the Second Life platform.” That fits on any business card!
Hellion is preparing for a huge Rude Awakening update that’s coming soon!
Small fixes and some three-day exploit bans went into effect in Dark and Light.
Nexon just dumped a lot of investment money in former EA exec Patrick Söderlund’s new game studio, Embark.
SMITE is no longer going to be supporting Windows XP and Windows Vista machines as of the new year.
Black Desert just banned — are you ready for this? — nine whole accounts for exploits. Too much, guys. Too much.
Bug fixes, small adjustments, and the end of Halloween came with Conan Exiles’ recent patch.
There is an increased incentive to do Star Trek Online red alerts on console now that they grant even more rewards!
DayZ just handed modding tools to its community and told it to go nuts.
Final Fantasy XI is running a gratitude campaign over the next month-and-a-half that can net you four fun — and free! — items. There was also a patch.
Hurt people by playing the xylophone: The appeal of OrbusVR’s Bard knows no bounds. Also, the team talked up the game’s improved mission system and monster AI.
Dark Age of Camelot is testing out a patch that expands Ruined Areas and allows for even more underwater swimming.
The 1st anniversary of MU Legends is here, and you know that’s going to mean a lot of fireworks and cake!
“SCUM’s Wild Hunter update introduces an intense series of new features catering to the prisoners’ most primal urges.”
BioWare is considering different graphic mode options for Anthem’s more advanced console hardware.
Season Five of Skyforge’s Patheon Wars is upon us!
With a new release under its belt, there’s lots to talk about in this month’s Wizard101 newsletter.
Allods Online is throwing a brand-new Blood Tournament for you savage PvPers.
Are you up for Guild Wars 2’s Amateur Raiding Party? Warning: Pretty funny stuff ahead!
Starmourn will transition into open beta by mid-December:
SEGS shows you what you have to do to get into this City of Heroes emulator:
Ready to hit level 90 in just one day in Dungeon Fighter Online? Reader Coltic says that you can do it:
Hearthstone is having way too much fun with its newest expansion:
War Thunder released another true war story:
Jurassic World Evolution just… evolved to include a new Secrets of Dr. Wu update:
Get the skinny on all of the events happening this November in RuneScape: