lord of the rings online

Official Site: Lord of the Rings Online
Studio: Standing Stone Games, formerly Turbine/WB Interactive Entertainment; published by Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: April 24, 2007
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Donkeys cannot use horse gear.

The Daily Grind: Do you make use of ‘mule’ characters in MMORPGs?

Back in the long long ago, the concept of a mule in an MMO - that is, a character you rolled but didn't really...

Lord of the Rings gaming rights are going up for sale – what will this mean for LOTRO?

Hobbits everywhere woke up yesterday to signs across the Shire declaring that it was for sale. And not just that neighborhood, either; all of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 359: Tearing down the faction wall

Chris, Justin, and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons, World of Warcraft, Blizzard's financials, Star Citizen's roadmap mess, Mortal Online 2's rollback, New World's merges, and Lost Ark's headstart, with adventures in WoW Classic, Zenith, LOTRO, SWG Legends, and Monster Hunter Rise, plus a mailbag topic on the future of SSG and Daybreak.

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online must extract itself from its currency quagmire

Lord of the Rings Online began 2022 on a most curious note: an abrupt and not-very-well-explained announcement of significant changes to the game's biggest...

LOTRO activates brand-new website, tweaks Update 32’s test build

Middle-earth has an improved web presence, as earlier this week Standing Stone Games rolled out the new Lord of the Rings Online site. The new...

One Shots: Sunrise over snow

Just because the sun is up doesn't mean that the snow is going to melt. And we kind of hope not, too, because Elder...

The Daily Grind: What will be your top three most-played MMOs in 2022?

A week ago, I asked you folks what your top three most-played MMOs of 2021 were. This week, I want to take a page...

Check out LOTRO’s new housing, zone, and reward track coming soon

It's not a full-fledged expansion, but Lord of the Rings Online's Update 32 is shaping up to be a meaty content drop indeed. As...

One Shots: Dancers of the Lost Ark

Every new MMORPG is a tomb waiting to be raided, a dungeon ready for delvings, and a vault ready to be cracked. Adventurers far...

The Daily Grind: What the best character title in an MMO?

The other day I was wandering around Bree-town in Lord of the Rings Online when I saw an Elf race by with a ridiculously...
It's an old deck, I swear.

Perfect Ten: Genuinely fun MMO minigames

Few people are without opinions on minigames in MMOs. Some love 'em, some hate 'em, and some just ignore 'em. Some even despise that...
A world of disappointments.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 357: Microsoft swallows Blizzard whole

Justin and Bree discuss the Microsoft Activision-Blizzard buyout, the EverQuest franchise roadmaps, Nightingale's ex-MMO status, Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons, and the Riot MMO, with adventures in LOTRO and Elder Scrolls Online, plus mailbag topics on Blizzard and games made for streaming.

Choose My Adventure: Dungeons and Dragons Online is fun but would be better with friends

Once more, I’m reminded that Dungeons and Dragons Online should be part of my regular MMORPG gaming diet, primarily because this game lets me...

LOTRO Legendarium: It’s time to revisit skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online

Ever since 2009, I've loved skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online. These were a new type of instance that rose to prominence in...

Massively Overthinking: Do cross-IP collabs and promos in MMOs bother you?

Transmedia synergy. Let's just lead with that. We have a long tradition around here of teasing MMOs for jamming in these weird promotions with...

Leaderboard: What types of items do you buy in MMO cash shops?

Over the weekend, I used up some of the currency sitting on my Lord of the Rings Online account, and I want to talk...

Lord of the Rings Online plans to make class, race, and virtue trait slots unlock by leveling in next update

The Bullroarer test server of Lord of the Rings Online has put Update 32 out for public testing, and one part of the update...
Remember me? Someone is hoping you don't!

Global Chat: Moar MMO rogue servers, please!

In the MMO genre, we've been blessed with many great rogue server projects -- but there's always room for more, right? MMO Fallout's Connor...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 356: A long time from now in a galaxy far, far away

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Star Citizen, Black Desert, Elyon, and Neverwinter, with adventures in LOTRO, Crowfall, and Elder Scrolls Online, plus voicemail topics on alienating MMO design choices and new MMO crafting professions.

Global Chat: Does Doctor Who have a place in EVE Online?

As we crack open another edition of Global Chat, The Ancient Gaming Noob tackled the utter weirdness that is a cross-media promotion between EVE...