maintenance mode


Massively OP Podcast Episode 476: Corepunk and Pantheon race to early access

Justin and Bree discuss Corepunk, Pantheon, Zenith, World of Warcraft, and Once Human, with adventures in LOTRO, WoW, and City of Heroes, plus a mailbag topic on evolving FFXIV Dawntrail's storytelling.

Kickstarted VR MMO Zenith officially goes into maintenance mode

It's the end of the road for Zenith, more or less, as its small indie team announced that the virtual reality MMO is going...

PvPvE team shooter Exoprimal enters de facto maintenance mode starting July 11

It would be easy to believe that Capcom's PvPvE team shooter Exoprimal was something of a fever dream - any game that featured dinosaurs...

Temtem applies a fix-filled patch, gives out cosmetic banners to mark ‘Pride Year’

While Temtem will not be receiving any more new content after its 1.7 update, that still doesn't mean that the game isn't being patched...
mm whatchu say

Tribes 3 Rivals heads into de facto maintenance mode as developers offer compensation

There's bad but perhaps not unexpected news for Tribes 3 Rivals players today as developer Prophecy Games has put out a rather flatly titled...

Bohemia’s multiplayer survival sandbox Ylands has officially landed on Switch for offline play

As we've been chronicling - and I might be a little obsessed with it now that I'm finally catching up on its existence, sorry...

Project Gorgon’s latest patch offers a new dungeon, horse racing, and harder hardcore living

Last week, we noted that indie MMORPG Project Gorgon was due for a foundational update this week, one that paves the way for even...

LOTRO Legendarium: What will happen when Lord of the Rings Online dies?

You know that old hypothetical of "Would you want to know when you die or would you rather be ignorant of it?" A slightly...
We stan a king.

With June patch inbound, Project Gorgon is safe and will see content through at least early 2025

Project Gorgon got a lot of attention at the tail end of last year, owing to the fact that its husband-and-wife dev team -...

Wolcen is stripping out multiplayer and heading into maintenance mode

I'm sorry to report to Wolcen fans today that Wolcen Studio has announced the end of updates for the game, essentially putting it in...

Redfall’s final update brings offline mode and revamps neighborhood and nest mechanics

With news that Microsoft is abandoning Redfall (after claims from the megacorp that it wouldn't be doing that), the latest announcement from developer Arkane...

Interview: Wayfinder’s AJ LaSaracina on the Echoes transition, launch, and long-term plans

Following yesterday's surprise reveal that Airship Syndicate is planning to transition the always-online MMO looter shooter Wayfinder into a buy-to-play online-optional title - without...
Crewed Oil.

‘If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing,’ say gamers reviewbombing the remaining The Crew games

Ubisoft's self-inflicted wounds continue their slow damage-over-time effects as the company that responded to the Stop Killing Games initiative by killing The Crew 1...
happy birthday to me

ArenaNet shifts more resources to Classic Guild Wars as it turns 19 years old

Just a few weeks ago, the MassivelyOP team gathered round to speculate on what the Classic Guild Wars anniversaries might look like (and what...

Heroes of the Storm is getting its biggest post-maintenance mode patch yet

After causing a stir with some small patches late last year and earlier in 2024, Blizzard's MOBA Heroes of the Storm is back again...

EG7 transfers PlanetSide 2 development from Daybreak to Toadman, posts 2024 roadmap

Ever since Daybreak's February investor report that admitted the company had sold off a "noncore IP for USD 5.9 million" to " EG7 with...

Battlefield 2042 confirms Season 7 is the shooter’s last as development focus shifts to the next title

We certainly hope that players of Battlefield 2042 are enjoying last month's Season 7 launch because it's going to be the last: Dice has...

The Crew 2 heads into maintenance mode with this week’s final update

We suspected it was coming, but we can still be sad about it: Ubisoft is putting The Crew 2 into maintenance mode following its...

Tamriel Infinium: The history of Elder Scrolls games (before and after Elder Scrolls Online)

There's nothing quite like that feeling when you first dip your toes into a particular game only to discover that it's part of a...

Vague Patch Notes: What City of Heroes Homecoming means for the wider MMORPG industry

As you have probably noticed from the fact that I have been writing about City of Heroes nonstop since the Homecoming server got its...