Massively Overpowered’s Make My MMO feature chronicles the adventures and misadventures of MMOs in various stages of crowdfunding. You might also be interested in Betawatch, which focuses on games in testing. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]
make my mmo
Make My MMO: Crowfall’s Siege Perilous is underway (April 2, 2016)
Just a year after Crowfall's Kickstarter was successfully funded, ArtCraft this week kicked off Siege Perilous, a targeted test of part of the castle...
Make My MMO: Star Citizen’s Starfarer, Dragon of Legends’ Kickstarter win (March 26, 2016)
This week in crowdfunded MMO development, Dragon of Legends' Kickstarter ended successfully, netting over $15,000 US for the OARPG studio; Star Citizen released alpha 2.3,...
Make My MMO: SOTA’s new dude, Sacrament’s Kickstarter (March 19, 2016)
Shroud of the Avatar is about to get a new dude -- a new male avatar, that is. Come release 28, SOTA's art team...
Make My MMO: Elite Dangerous’ Oculus launch (March 12, 2016)
Frontier confirmed this week that Elite: Dangerous is indeed destined for the Oculus Rift; in fact, everyone who owns the game will be able...
Make My MMO: Chronicles of Elyria’s $900k goal (March 5, 2016)
Indie MMO Chronicles of Elyria announced this week that it's plotting a May Kickstarter with a $900,000 goal. The game is probably best known...
Make My MMO: Grim Dawn and Descent Underground (February 27, 2016)
Grim Dawn is the toast of our Make My MMO crowdfunding column this weekend as the crowdfunded multiplayer action RPG has made it through the...
Make My MMO: Vampire MMO Shadow’s Kiss is on Patreon (February 20, 2016)
So here's a new one for the Make My MMO crowdfunding column: We have a game that's actually vying for Patreon donations rather than...
Make My MMO: Inside The Repopulation & Hero’s Song (February 13, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, two studios spoke to Massively OP in-depth about their major crowdfunding decisions in 2016. Pixelmage Games' John Smedley told...
Make My MMO: Divergence’s drama (February 6, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, the Divergence Online drama came to a close, as DMCA claims against the developer were dropped early and...
Make My MMO: Smedley’s Hero’s Song ditches Kickstarter (January 30, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, John Smedley put an end to the Kickstarter for his OARPG Hero's Song, telling backers that Pixelmage Games had made "mistakes"...
Make My MMO: Smedley’s Hero’s Song sings for its supper (January 23, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, former SOE/Daybreak CEO John Smedley revealed his new company, Pixelmage Games, and its first game, sandboxy OARPG Hero's...
Make My MMO: Shroud of the Avatar preps release schedule (January 16, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Shroud of the Avatar broke $8 million in crowdfunding thanks in part to a crazy telethon in which...
Make My MMO: Oculus Rift, Greed Monger’s return, and TUG’s $8.5M (January 9, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, the Oculus Rift, once a crowdfunded venture, is now asking a whopping $599 for its final product, befuddling market...
Make My MMO: Crowfall’s big reveal (January 2, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, crowdfunding is dead. Just kidding. But a whole lot of you said you're not planning on Kickstarting anything...
Make My MMO: The Repopulation’s blackout (December 26, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, The Repopulation suspended its test servers thanks to the HeroEngine fiasco, though Above & Beyond says it is...
Make My MMO: Elite’s new Horizons (December 19, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Elite: Dangerous launched the first chunk of its planned Horizons campaign, Albion Online celebrated 60,000 founders, and Ultima Online...
Make My MMO: Spatium and Labyrinth of the Druids (December 5, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we said hello to Spatium and Labyrinth of the Druids, though the former isn't actually on Kickstarter yet. The...
Make My MMO: Dogma’s world of darkness comes to Kickstarter (November 28, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Dogma: Eternal Night kicked off its fundraising campaign, for those of you still feeling the burn from CCP's failed...
Make My MMO: Infinity funds, Star Citizen teases 2.0 (November 21, 2015)
It was a huge week for crowdfunded space sims. First, Infinity: Battlescape met its $300,000 Kickstarter goal with over a day to spare. Then,...
Make My MMO: Hero Engine woes ‘blindside’ The Repopulation (November 14, 2015)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, it was pretty much business as usual. Major players like Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall continued their...