
The Daily Grind: Which non-MMO developer should make an MMORPG?

I've been playing a bit of Cozy Grove lately, and I have to say, I'm incredibly glad that the company behind it, Spry Fox,...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on cutscenes in MMOs?

Truth time: I am not the kind of person who honestly enjoys cutscenes in video games. I really want to be the kind of...

The Daily Grind: How do you occupy yourself when your MMO is offline all day?

As promised, Daybreak's entire suite of MMORPGs is offline for 24 hours today, which means DCUO, EverQuest, and PlanetSide 2 fans are going to...
Tink tink.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unique experience mechanic in MMOs?

Bhagpuss over on MMO blog Inventory Full recently penned a piece about an experience mechanic in EverQuest II that I had completely forgotten existed:...

The Daily Grind: What was the last thing you built in an MMO?

MMO builders, this Daily Grind is for you. And I don't mean people who build MMOs; I mean people who build in MMOs. And...

The Daily Grind: Should more MMOs offer ‘season pass’ style content?

Its seems as if we've been fielding a lot of email and podcast questions about season passes the last month or two. Paid season...

The Daily Grind: How often do you change your MMO characters’ outfits?

One of the nice things City of Heroes' rogue servers did for the community was open up all the costume slots for everyone. Obviously,...

The Daily Grind: Do you usually pick low-pop or high-pop servers in MMOs?

The other day, MOP's Carlo posted a pic of Black Desert's server selection screen, showing a ton of servers flagged "crowded" even at a...
Always the level.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the worst ‘wealth gap’ between old and new players?

Folks, I want to talk about money - video game money. I was surfing the City of Heroes subreddit a while back when I...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about ‘exclusive’ zones in MMORPGs?

I want to talk about exclusive zones today - specifically, Guild Wars 2's lounges, something I haven't seen in many other MMOs at all....

The Daily Grind: What argument does your MMO’s community have that would make no sense in other MMOs?

I don't think it's possible to go a day on a City of Heroes server, back in the old days or now on the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMORPG character you still play?

Every year or so we'll do a conversation topic about the oldest MMO we still play. But realistically, the same couple of MMOs always...
Power up.

The Daily Grind: What are some MMOs where ‘bringing the player not the class’ really works?

Back during BlizzConline, I wrote a piece on Overwatch 2 that mentioned offhandedly that it sounded like Blizzard was creeping toward a "bring the...
Word of the day calendar.

The Daily Grind: How do you push for change in a broken MMO?

The Path of Exile community has been roiling over the past couple of weeks, first because of the Harvest crafting nerfs and then because...

The Daily Grind: Do MMOs need ‘friction’ for social bonding?

Not quite a year ago, World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas sat for a Wired interview in which he discusses social bonding in...

The Daily Grind: What classes in your current MMO desperately need some love?

So a while back I was thinking of rolling up a new Mastermind on the City of Heroes rogue servers I play, and so...
Ice ice baby.

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of ice physics and mechanics in MMOs?

RPS had a fun headline a while back that made me let out a laugh while I was strolling through my feeds: We must...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a modern remake of Guild Wars 1?

Every couple of months, we'll mention Classic Guild Wars in an article, and we'll get deluged by fans of the 2005 MMO. There appears...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO bonus for not-playing?

So I've been playing a lot of City of Heroes lately, and I've roped in my son to play with me, which is always...

The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest collection in an MMORPG?

I am not what I would called a "collector." In MMOs or really anywhere else. Or I guess I should be more specific and...