new frontier

Whatever happened to Osiris New Dawn, Cinderstone Online, and Magnificent 5?

Welcome back to a fresh edition of Whatever Happened To, the randomly occurring column in which we realize some MMOs have fallen off our...

Not So Massively roundup: Iron Harvest, Second Extinction, Valorant, Paladins, Wolf Team, The Cycle, and New Frontier

Welcome back to a quick roundup of recent news from some not-so-massively online multiplayer titles. Wolf Team: Gamigo's MMOFPS introduced a new map last week...

Magnificent 5, the battle royale Wild West Online spinoff, is now out on Steam, kinda

Way back in the long long ago, Wild West Online joined the MMO scene, kinda flopped, relaunched, all but sank its studio, was rescued...
Why. Does. Your. Breath. Smell. Like. Birdseed?

New Frontier updates former Wild West Online players on its relationship to Free Reign Entertainment

Ah, those delirious moments when every new set of answers about the state of a game's publisher just leads to a new set of...
Yes, you should feel sad.

New Frontier launches on Steam with the publisher that supposedly was not connected to the game

Oh boy. Oh, boy. So you all remember Wild West Online, right? Survival sandbox that launched in much the same way that having a...
Based star.

Betawatch: Starbase is blasting off into your world

Gosh, every so often you just get a big surprise like Starbase, which came out of nowhere this week to just drop onto the scene...

Wild West Online rebrands as New Frontier, now with steampunk and alien monsters

You know what they say: When a horse is beaten to death, that's just a good opportunity to reanimate it as a steampunk monstrosity. The...