new game enhancements

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server confirms leak that it’s considering subscription benefits

Uncertainty has enfolded Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration III, as a player senator leaked financial plans from the team that suggest the...

The Daily Grind: Do you play different MMORPGs for different content types?

A while back on the MOP Podcast, I was waxing on about housing and crafting and player cities in SWG Legends, when Justin asked...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the most polarizing topic in your favorite MMORPG?

I was playing Lord of the Rings Online last weekend when my server naturally veered off into one of its favorite discussions: whether Moria...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...

The Daily Grind: Have class nerfs ever driven you to quit an MMO?

It's part of the cycle of MMO patches: The thing you like is probably going to get nerfed, but wait a few months and...

SWGEmu celebrates Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday year with a tribute video

Yes, Star Wars Galaxies celebrated its 20th anniversary back in June - we wrote all about it - but we like SWG 'round these...

The Daily Grind: What were the worst mistakes made in the history of MMORPGs?

A few weeks back, in his retrospective on The Secret World, MOP's Tyler opined that Secret World Legends (or more specifically, the decision to reboot...

Massively Overthinking: The MMOs that are worth their dreadful early gameplay

I think many of us are primed to roll our eyes at anyone who says "oh man, just keep playing, it gets better later...

Working As Intended: My 20 years of Star Wars Galaxies

Last year, when Ultima Online turned 25 years old, I did a piece reminiscing on those early days and marveling that so much of...

The Daily Grind: When has an ‘improvement’ in an MMO made it much worse?

I haven't taken any German since college, but I did recently learn a new word: verschlimmbesserung, which essentially translates to "disimprovement" - specifically, an...

Star Wars Day around the MMO galaxy: SWTOR, SWG, and more

It's May the Fourth, the modern celebration of Star Wars when the internet erupts with memes and the MMOs run events and nobody's madder...
Just do the same thing forever and ever.

MapleStory is deleting a whole character – Jett – after 11 years in the global version

I'm having a hard time remembering the last time an MMO developer deleted an entire class from an MMO. The NGE, maybe? Regardless, it's...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v6.0

And that's a wrap on this year in history! While everyone says farewell to 2022, here at TGA we're always looking way back at...

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2022

2022 marks the fifth year in a row we've done this roundup, but the Daily Grind has been a recurring mini-column here on MassivelyOP...

The Daily Grind: Is there a mod for an MMO that you just can’t play without?

I've been back in Lord of the Rings Online a bunch lately, and as part of my return I went through and made sure...

SWG Restoration launches 1.0 version on Saturday with Mustafar and Jedi unlocks

Among the many (many!) player-run rogue servers for the long-defunct Star Wars Galaxies is Star Wars Galaxies Restoration III, a hybrid CU/NGE server that...

Working As Intended: MMOs that wish they were Star Wars Galaxies

"My friends and I would skin someone alive for an SWG 2," an old Star Wars Galaxies player recently wrote on Reddit, and that...

Crowfall’s Gordon Walton joins Raph Koster’s Playable Worlds MMO and platform

Raph Koster's Playable Worlds MMORPG has picked up two new executives today: Gordon Walton and Omar Abdelwahed. Walton will be immediately recognizable to modern MMO...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go

Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
Almost tangible. Again.

Massively Overthinking: If you could change one thing about an MMO…

Back in April, MOP's Colin posed us an interesting challenge on the MOP Podcast: change one thing about an MMO you don't like that...