no man’s sky

Official Site: No Man’s Sky

One Shots: Retrofuturism for rent

Here's your two-step process to make anything old look all futurey like something out of the Jetstons. Step one: Take a normal thing. Step...

Massively Overthinking: How much research do you do before playing a new MMORPG?

On this week's MOP Podcast, Justin and I discussed our experiences in No Man's Sky (again), and both of us came to the conclusion...

The No Man’s Sky Worlds ‘universe refresh’ is why you’re playing No Man’s Sky this weekend

You know that whenever Hello Games and Sean Murray start dropping cryptic teasers so they'll trend on Reddit, a new No Man's Sky update...

No Man’s Sky’s Adrift expedition offers a lonely and hostile ‘alternative universe’

No Man's Sky has spent years shoring up its MMO bona fides, and now, it's doing the opposite with today's Adrift update, which shrinks...

The Daily Grind: What does your ideal space sim MMO look like?

Even a quarter-century into the MMORPG revolution, we still haven't seen an interstellar MMO that really fits what I'm seeking in a space sim....

Planet Crafter is a new multiplayer survival sandbox where you geo-engineer an entire planet

Last week, multiplayer survival sandbox were treated to yet another entry in the field: Planet Crafter, a game I've had on my own wishlist...

No Man’s Sky launches Orbital update with major upgrades for space stations

Whenever Hello Games starts sticking little cutesy icons in its tweets, you know a No Man's Sky launch is imminent, so Monday's little start...

Heck yeah, Valve is finally fixing Steam Family Sharing so it doesn’t suck

Last night, Valve announced a major - and long-awaited and desperately needed - revamp of its existing "family sharing" system so good that actual,...

Massively Overthinking: Are survival games the new MMO?

A few Overthinkings ago, a MOP commenter said something that seemed very simple but still hit me really hard, to the point that I'm...

Hey game devs, stop namedropping Star Wars Galaxies and make a spiritual successor

If you're an MMORPG gamer who watches the mainstream gaming space, you probably know that most gaming sites take any opportunity they can get...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: MMOs where you can play as robots and cyborgs

Robots are, let's face it, very important. You might say that's not true, and to that I say: When you get to write the...

Did you like all that free No Man’s Sky? Have some more: It’s F2P again this weekend

It's wild to me that not everyone owns No Man's Sky already, given how cheap it gets on Steam sale and how much content...

No Man’s Sky is temporarily free-to-play through Monday as Omega launches

If you already own No Man's Sky, then you're in for a treat today as the Omega update has launched for you. But if...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs have a permanent place on your desktop?

On the MOP Podcast a while back, I mentioned that Project Gorgon had made its way into a permanent home on my PC, which...
The scholar sees when you do not index things, and he is not impressed.

End-of-year Eleven: The best value MMORPGs at the end of 2023

I have been told that if I start another one of these columns musing on the abstract meaning of "value" as I have for...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 449: We didn’t start the Light No Fire

Justin and Bree discuss MMO holiday events, Light No Fire, The Day Before, and EverQuest, with adventures in LOTRO, SWTOR, WoW Classic, and Project Gorgon, plus mailbag topics on holiday gaming memories and Marvel Snap.

No Man’s Sky rounds out a busy 2023 with expedition and cartographer ‘remixes’

You can't take the sky from No Man's Sky because it's in the title and because that game owns outer space in a way...

Light No Fire aka No Man’s Skyrim might be the survival MMO you’ve been waiting for

Far and away the most interesting new-game announcement to come out of last night's The Game Awards was Light No Fire. Granted, it wasn't...

The Game Awards 2023: Light No Fire, Warframe, Skull and Bones, Palia, Bellwright

(Scroll down to the end for the recap of everything MMOsy!) The Game Awards have become one of the key games industry productions of the...
There are problems with this art, but we're going to overlook that.

End-of-year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs at the end of 2023

When it comes to making a judgment call about the "healthiest" MMORPGs on the market at any given time, there are always plenty of...