online shooter

Battle Bards’ 2018 roundup of MMO soundtracks

Every other week here at Massively OP you might see a post go up promoting the Battle Bards podcast. While not an official podcast...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 202: The all-mailbag show

Justin and Bree pore over the mail bag to answer questions on WoW, the state of MOP, future columns, favorite MMO music, MMO communities, lockbox RNG, MMO sunsets, open dungeons, and LitRPG.

The Daily Grind: Do you ever get pressured into playing a role you’d rather not in MMOs?

A post that we did earlier this year pointed me to a rather funny and catchy song called "No Mercy" by The Living Tombstone....

World of Warships adds new campaigns and Belle Époque ships for Christmas

Christmas has come to World of Warships with its latest update, which includes Belle Époque ships collection, the Mighty Prinz Campaign for folks who...
Everybody dies.

WoW Factor: The great Superdata fall-off

The one down side to working ahead is that sometimes your schedule gets nudged around more than expected. I promise that a further look...
Vendi ad me frat

Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.5, A Requiem for Heroes, launches on January 8

It's all coming down in Final Fantasy XIV on January 8th, 2019. Patch 4.5, A Requiem for Heroes, launches on that date, bringing with it...

War Thunder’s Supersonic update introduces new aircraft, new weapons, and new locations

The latest update for Gaijin Entertainment's free-to-play vehicular combat game War Thunder is breaking the sound barrier with the introduction of the game's first...

Star Citizen ATV, Squadron 42’s projected 2020 beta, and Cloud Imperium’s $46M private investment

This week's Around the Verse does touch on the 3.4 release of Star Citizen, but the big news is definitely from Squadron 42, which...
Now my stats are good!

There are no Blizzard games in the November 2018 SuperData games revenue ranking, not even WoW

I did a little double-take when I read SuperData's November 2018 games industry revenue ranking piece today, and not because the title and intro...

Warframe aims for Discord Store, previews Fortuna fixes – including cutscene skipping

Fortuna part two may have made it before the holidays, but that doesn't mean the Warframe team is done tinkering. Digital Extremes has already...

SteamCraft is a steampunk build-your-own-machine multiplayer shooter for 2019

Steampunk aesthetics mean never having to ask why you have a steam-powered car with turrets on the sides and a gigantic Tesla coil sticking...
bye, felicia

Choose My Adventure: Summarizing our MMO adventures in 2018

Sometimes I wonder how people think things work behind the scenes here at Massively Overpowered, so let me give a little peek behind the...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the best value going into 2019

Here we go, here we go, here we go again. This one is always an interesting column to write because there's a certain amount...

Warframe launches its 38th ‘frame, Baruuk, with today’s Fortuna: The Profit Taker

Well now Warframe's just having itself the best day ever, isn't it. Not only did it take home one of the good awards from...

Escape From Tarkov devs lodge DMCA strikes over YouTuber’s ‘misinformation’ and ‘negative hype’

It's been a couple of years since we had one of these stories about a game studio filing DMCA complaints in an attempt to...

Warframe gets into the holiday spirit with greeting card contest and Tennobaum 2018

Tenno, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spread holiday cheer throughout the universe by taking part in Warframe's holiday greeting...

The MOP Up: Echo of Soul returns

Korean MMO Echo of Soul is now back on Steam early access after the title was shut down back around 2015 and 2016. It's...
Capital idea!

The Division 2 is hosting its first technical alpha test this weekend

Although Ubisoft's upcoming MMO shooter The Division 2 isn't set to launch until March of next year, some lucky players will be able to...
And then there was the time we shot them. And the time they shot us. And... that's it, really.

Daybreak isn’t abandoning PlanetSide 2 just because PlanetSide Arena is cooking

You might have wondered about the status of PlanetSide 2 now that Daybreak has announced PlanetSide Arena. After all, just ask PlanetSide 1 fans...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2018

We've got a lot of awards going out over the next couple of weeks about the "best" and "biggest" of this and that. But...