
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.


The Daily Grind: Where do you go to get your World of Warcraft fix?

Following last week's nasty Blizzard Hong Kong mess, many players publicly stepped away from the studio and its games, in some cases deleting accounts...

EVE Evolved: Chatting up EVE Online world record holder Ethan ‘Katia Sae’ Richards

EVE Online player Ethan Richards is best known by the name of his in-game character Katia Sae, who earlier this year completed an incredible...

Wisdom of Nym: Picking apart Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 5.1 teaser site

The past week was sure a trip, and a good chunk of it for me was taken up by stuff I didn't want to deal...

The Daily Grind: What do you want your ‘legacy’ in your current MMO to be?

A few months back, a player on the Pantheon forums posted a neat question asking fellow players what they wanted to be known for...

One Shots: Bring me a shrubbery!

When has something as mundane and nondescript as a bush ever been a helpful hero? And when have we ever featured a MapleStory screenshot...
Let us pray.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you’ve wanted to quit, but you couldn’t?

Very few of us are in a situation wherein large men are perched behind us claiming that something horrible will happen to our loved...

Daybreak confirms yesterday’s layoffs and ‘realignment of the company into separate franchise teams’

Yesterday, we reported on the sad news that MMORPG company Daybreak Games had suffered yet another round of layoffs. As developers began weighing in...

The Game Archaeologist: Funcom’s long-abandoned Midgard MMO

There used to be a time that Funcom was deeply into the MMORPG business, bringing us titles such as Anarchy Online, Age of Conan,...

The Daily Grind: Whose MMO recommendations do you trust?

You want to hear a fun secret? You might think that we at Massively OP are all content being the tastemakers of the MMO...

ArcheAge Unchained fans are getting antsy about proposed cosmetic gifting

During Gamigo's ArcheAge Unchained stream this afternoon, the chat erupted with cries of "pay-to-win confirmed" over the revelation that cosmetic gifting will be in...

Global Chat: One MMO gamer is trying to finish Fallen Earth before it’s gone

When you know that your beloved MMORPG is about to be shut down, what do you do? If you're the blog 24 Hours in...
It ensues.

The Daily Grind: Do you actually engage with player-generated content in MMOs?

Two videos inspired today's Daily Grind. One is a recent episode of Extra Credits about player-generated content in games - what we've always called...

Temtem shares the first backer-created creature design process

The critters of Temtem are the center of the action, being as the title is a Pokemon-inpsired game which funded last year. This is why...

Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet chased the 2016 Gaile Gray account hacker all the way to Germany – and lost

Back in 2016, MassivelyOP covered an odd story about the Guild Wars franchise and a hack that seemingly involved the account of then-ArenaNet employee...

Desert Oasis: A guide to some of Black Desert’s world bosses and their weapons

You know what I want to be when I grow up? A boss. Not the kind that starts a business living in a car...
Ohhh snap.

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest MMO boycott you’ve run?

There are a lot of games I don't have any desire to play, and then there's Star Wars: The Old Republic. I still have...

Global Chat: The Hearthstone Hong Kongstraversy

Everyone has an opinion when it comes to the controversy swirling about Blizzard's heavy-handed censorship of a Hearthstone professional gamer and his statements on...

Perfect Ten: Kickstarter MMOs that raised the most money

The rise of crowdfunding in the mid-2010s swept a large wave of MMORPGs our way that might never have happened otherwise. For a while...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: The shabby ethics of Blizzard’s ‘Hong Kong liberation’ ban

Hooo boy, this was not an article I really expected to write this week. So, by now everyone's surely seen the news that Blizzard banned...

Tamriel Infinium: Which province will The Elder Scrolls Online explore in 2020?

As the Season of the Dragon begins to wrap up for The Elder Scrolls Online, community speculation has begun to turn to what 2020...