
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

One Shots: Motion sickness

Our headlining picture today comes with a request for some help, so we're calling all Warframe players to give their aid! "So I finally decided...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite bragging rights reward in an MMO?

The title I display most often in Final Fantasy XIV is "Sidestepper." It's not a flashy title, but it's a bragging rights reward because...

Chronicles of Elyria gets players to shape the world through a plague

Chronicles of Elyria's biggest community event yet looks to change the very face of this developing MMO -- but there's a good chance that...
This is new, this is new, this is new.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are the best for occasional play?

As a longtime fan of MMOs, I struggle with one serious factor when it comes to playing them: time. It's not just finding time...

EverQuesting: Returning to EverQuest II’s Guk (for the first time)

In my last EverQuesting, I mentioned that I had not participated in much -- if any -- of EverQuest II's The Shadow Odyssey content. I've...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you went sightseeing in an MMORPG?

Are you into stopping and smelling the flowers, literally or figuratively? I started thinking a bit about this thanks to a tweet ZeniMax sent out...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: There’s no fixing this Battle for Azeroth story

Let's be totally clear about something: There is no twist waiting for this World of Warcraft story. It doesn't exist. There's no way that...
Oh, is this one my time? It keeps changing back and forth.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever run a ‘solo’ guild in an MMO?

When housing first arrived in Final Fantasy XIV, a lot of people wanted personal houses but couldn't yet get them. So they did the...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR is testing huge changes for the Rishi stronghold

I know I took more than a moment to explain why I liked the new Rishi stronghold coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic...

Global Chat: The ‘We Don’t Play World of Warcraft’ Club

What do you do when you don't play World of Warcraft but everyone else all around you does and won't stop talking about it...
lol newb

The Daily Grind: Is Fallout 76 an MMO?

We all know that the definition of "MMORPG" and "MMO" have been stretched, twisted, and interpreted in vastly different ways over the years based...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 180: Superstoked for heroic MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss the influence of City of Heroes (Paragon Chat, SEGS, Valiance Online, Ship of Heroes, and City of Titans), plus WoW, No Man's Sky, SWGemu, Camelot Unchained, STO, CCP's new MMO, and Rend, with a mailbag entry on comments negativity.

Why I Play: Trove’s Geode changed me from a visitor to a player

Trove's Geode expansion has been a game-changer - and I mean it in more ways than one. The latest update/expansion to the colorful voxel-based game...

The Daily Grind: Are you actually using Steam’s new chat and group features?

Last week, Steam pushed live the changes to its social features it first announced back in June. As we wrote at the time, its...

Worlds Adrift announces its first player council, says the playerbase will pick the next round

Longtime MMORPG fans will know that the concept of player councils and senates, liaisons between the playerbase and the developers, have long been a...
It'd be nice.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s housing issues (other than availability)

When we talk about issues with Final Fantasy XIV's housing system, the first issue that's going to be brought up - invariably - is...

The Daily Grind: Do you care more about an MMORPG’s playerbase or revenue?

SuperData put out a couple of reports and analyses last week that suggest Fortnite is "cannibalizing" other games, specifically in terms of revenue and...

The Daily Grind: What would you do if you could reboot any live MMO?

It's kind of crazy to me that Final Fantasy XIV is not only still running but is successful, has a thriving population and a...

Global Chat: Getting a handle on Legends of Aria

One of the great benefits of reading the wealth of MMO blogs out there is that you can touch base on a huge variety...
City again.

The Game Archaeologist: Digging up the history of City of Heroes

For the longest time in the early 2000s, MMORPGs scared me off. They looked too obtuse, too grindy, too ugly, and too unapproachable for...