
In costume!

Kritika Online drops a nice update for Halloween with a Haunted Room

You are not going to be scared when Kritika Online goes down for maintenance at 11:00 a.m. EDT, nor will you be scared when...
Who Mourns For Self-Declared Adonis?

LawBreakers drops a big update with competitive league, new maps, and customization

The latest update to LawBreakers is coming out on October 19th, and it uses the phrase "All-Star" a bit too often for anyone who...
This is your skillset.

The Black Death outlines the new profession system that starts you off as a plague doctor

There are no medical exams to pass when you start a new character in the next patch of The Black Death. You get to...
How are you not playing this on PC in the first place?

Naoki Yoshida apologizes for Final Fantasy XIV housing mess, outlines future plans

If you missed this particular bit of drama, here's the TL;DR recap. Final Fantasy XIV releases patch 4.1, which includes the new housing wards....
Pet action.

Final Fantasy XI’s October update improves gear purchasing and skillchains

You would think that if you've been playing Final Fantasy XI long enough to care about skillchains, you would probably have memorized the various...
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV has a serious housing problem for basically no reason

Patch 4.1 arrived in Final Fantasy XIV, and the Shirogane housing rush came and went exactly how everyone familiar with the game had been...

Crowfall’s hour-long stream previews the game’s next big patch

Testing for Crowfall is still in full swing, and that means that when you watch something like the most recent hour-long stream, you do...
So, uh

Lord of the Rings Online drops update 21, immediately rolls back upgrades

Update 21 has arrived for Lord of the Rings Online, which means the two new dungeons that have been getting tested for the past...

Conan Exiles is moving forward with lava flow and combat revisions

Do you have strong opinions on the flow of lava? It's possible you're a trained scientist who knows when it looks right or wrong,...
Whether or not, etc.

The Division is rolling out patch 1.8 for console testing

Console players eager to test out the next addition to The Division are finally getting the chance to do so... in small numbers. The...

Neverwinter details the latest skirmish in the Swords of Chult module

So there's a merchant prince in Port Nyanzaru in Neverwinter, and wouldn't you know it, he's greedy. He's so greedy, in fact, that he...
Smug twit.

Yes, you can still use artifact appearances in future World of Warcraft expansions

The bankers in Stormwind have seen some stuff, man. You can just see them chilling on their lunch breaks talking about how the Ashbringer...

Final Fantasy XIV launches patch 4.1 (and no, you can’t get a house)

Yes, Final Fantasy XIV has dropped patch 4.1; if you were trying to get a house, you both already knew that and are already...
Now the story can be told...

Wisdom of Nym: The key bits of Final Fantasy XIV’s 4.1 patch notes

Here we are, folks, staring down the barrel of the latest major patch. If you're feeling a minor set of trepidation simply because that...

Secret World Legends recaps Orochi Tower, plots upcoming adjustments

The Orochi Tower is where the story of Tokyo ends in Secret World Legends, a familiar fact to anyone who has played through this...
Cool weapon.

Neverwinter details more items to be found in the lands of Chult

When you're in a rush to leave somewhere, you forget things. Totally normal and natural, right? But Neverwinter presents a unique case for adventurers...
just come back

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do the best job with patch notes?

To the surprise of no one, working here involves reading lots of patch notes. Some games do a better job with this than others....
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XIV releases patch notes for patch 4.1

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV is almost here, but just because the patch isn't coming out until October 10th doesn't mean you...
Build it up.

Players express anger over Lord of the Rings Online adding high-end gear to lockboxes

Long ago, Lord of the Rings Online first experimented with having stats on gear you can buy for real money. We bring this up...
oh for the love of eff

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas talks randomness and Legendaries

There's been another live community Q&A session with World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas, and if you're in the "highly frustrated" crowd of fans,...