player housing


ArcheAge preps a barrel racing daily event

ArcheAge is gearing up for its annual Rum Runner Rapids event, which looks to involve drinking, whitewater rapids, and barrels out of bond. More specifically,...

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gets you exploring?

You want to hear something weird? For as much crap as WildStar got about its path system, I actually do love to explore in...

Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?

For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....

The Repopulation adds diplomacy minigame with new patch

Wait, there are other ways to resolve conflict with in-game NPCs than to stab large holes in their torsos? The Repopulation seems to think...
So of course this picture features neither trees nor much life.

Tree of Life is available on Steam

If you wake up in the morning and find yourself just unable to get enough early access sandbox titles to whet your appetite, you'll...
Of course, then you get reminded about the setting.

Neverwinter announces its next major update, Underdark

Neverwinter is heading into a dark place with its next major update. Darker than dark, even. Tenatively dubbed Neverwinter: Underdark, the next module will...
Not the chess maneuver.

A guide to building and using your kingdom in Crowfall

Crowfall's individual campaign worlds are intended to be reset over time. That's by design; each world will flourish, then wither, then die. But the...

Perfect Ten: How to find the right MMO for you

A common question that I see posited around forums and Reddit is, "What MMO should I play?" If there is a more loaded question...

ArcheAge releases the Dread Prophecies update

Ghost ships? An aggravated kraken? Just what in Sam Hill is going on in ArcheAge these days, anyway? Well, the fantasy sandpark has released one of...

ArcheAge’s Freedich housing disappears tomorrow

Do you play ArcheAge? Do you own land on Freedich Isle? If so, you'll want clear out all your chests, furniture, and crested items...

The Game Archaeologist: What Star Wars Galaxies life was like before the NGE

A decade after Star Wars Galaxies' "New Game Enhancements" hit the game, controversy, grumbling, and revelations still pop up about the notorious decision to...
GTA Online

GTA Online: All the open world feels, none of the MMO grind

Any minute now I'm going to log out of Grand Theft Auto Online so I can finish this not-a-review. Seriously, I've played this game...

Koster on Star Wars Galaxies’ combat and social connectivity ‘glue’

MMO designer Raph Koster is back with yet another post-mortem on Star Wars Galaxies, this one the second part of his "living society" discussion. Get...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...

El Somni Quas draws upon classic Ultima Online for an old-school MMO experience

It's interesting to see how players who have grown up under the influence of certain MMOs are now making their own games drawing from...

The Daily Grind: What promised yet undelivered feature sticks in your craw?

There are few things more annoying than a developer promoting an upcoming feature or change and then never delivering on it. Four expansions later,...

Lost Continent: Looking ahead to ArcheAge’s Dread Prophecies patch

Did you miss the latest ArcheAge livestream featuring the Trion dev team? It was a biggun, and it contained quite a lot of information relative to the...
Hashtag swag.

Preview RIFT’s player dimensions made with the Anywhere key

Player housing sometimes is difficult to get a handle on. When given an infinite canvas, some players don't know what to do with all...
Oh, good, I was worried this would be a happy story.

The Repopulation’s next build to feature underground cities, UI revamp, and more

The Repopulation's dev team has finished the quality assurance process on the game's 15.2.1 build. Why should you care? Well, because it adds some nifty...