
Choose My Adventure: Unveiling the Treasures of Trove

Hello again, friends, and welcome once again to Choose My Adventure. The results of last week's race are in, and holy cow, what a...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite Funcom MMO?

Earlier this week, news of Funcom's dwindling financial fortunes kind of depressed me. And judging by our comments, it depressed a number of you,...

Choose My Adventure: Three games enter, one game leaves

Hello again, friends, and welcome to a new cycle of Choose My Adventure. You may remember that last time around, I bypassed the whole...

Leaderboard: Would you play Civilization Online?

XLGAMES isn't bringing Civilization Online to western consumers. At least right now. Maybe XL and partner 2K will localize the title at some point, but...

Choose My Adventure: A whale of a time in FFXIV Heavensward’s Sea of Clouds

Hello again everyone, and happy August. It's happy for me, anyway; this past weekend marked the first time in recent memory that I could...

A Tale in the Desert reboots into Tale 7 on September 11th

We've known for a little while that A Tale in the Desert's next "telling" was on its way, but now we have firmer details...

The Daily Grind: Are MMO morality systems impossible to get right?

I know it's an old hat at this point, but I'm still quite appreciative that Star Wars: The Old Republic made an effort to...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite EverQuest II class?

I'm back in EverQuest II and having a pretty good time with it. As per usual, though, I can't decide on a primary class...

Choose My Adventure: Dungeons, soloing, and PvP in FFXIV’s Heavensward

Hello again, everyone, and welcome to week three of Choose My Adventure. If you're tuning in for the first time, allow me to bring...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter is changing its vote-to-kick system

The upside of having a system to vote-kick players in Neverwinter is that abusive players can be identified and removed from a run before...

Choose My Adventure: Heart of the Cards in FFXIV Heavensward

Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri to the second installment of Choose My Adventure: Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward edition. Last week, I...

Guild Chat: Coping with the loss of your guild

Welcome along to another installment of Guild Chat, my monthly delve into my mailbag in search of some tough guild-related issues that need solving....

Leaderboard: Would you pay for good anti-cheat measures in an MMO?

Today's Leaderboard comes to us from MOP reader Hagu, who asks how much you value anti-cheat measures in MMOs. Players say they want great PvP,...

Choose My Adventure: Onward and Heavensward

Hello old (and new) friends. It's been quite a while, so I imagine a quick (re-)introduction is in order before we get to the...

Not So Massively: Path of Exile’s Awakening and Heroes of Newerth’s new character Skrap

This week in not-so-massive online games, third-person MOBA SMITE confirmed that it's raised over $640,000 in competitive tournament prize money through sales and crowdfunding...

Leaderboard: What Blade & Soul class will you play?

I'm getting pretty excited for Blade & Soul, but I really have no idea what class I'm going to play at this point. The...
Holy moly.

World of Warcraft asks why you use the Black Market Auction House

It turns out that you can bring the Black Market Auction House to your very own Garrison in World of Warcraft if you so...

The state of MassivelyOP’s ARK server

Well, the MassivelyOP ARK: Survival Evolved server is still a thing. It's been running for just over 10 days now, and it's been publicly available for...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite online action RPG?

Online action RPGs aren't really MMOs per se, but Massively has been covering them for quite a while anyway. I've only played one of...