pre-alpha testing

Progress Bar: Inside the latest 24-hour pre-alpha test of Pantheon Rise of the Fallen

This past Saturday was when Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen elected to open up its floodgates and let a whole bunch of people into...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen confirms January 27 pre-alpha test will include alpha pledges once again

The January producer's letter for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is now online and it has good news for pre-alpha and alpha backers: The...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen admits recent pre-alpha MMORPG testing brought ‘a plethora of glorious data’

It's often important to be gracious in victory or humble that your knowledge and advice was correct despite it falling upon deaf ears. That...

Anvil Empires shares pre-alpha gameplay footage of a fort siege and life in a player-built settlement

With the latest weekend pre-alpha test of Anvil Empires now wrapped up, developer Siege Camp has decided to throw some spotlights across a couple...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen pledges extra test sessions following a cancellation of alpha backer access

Earlier this week, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen ran into a SNAFU with a backend system that ultimately led to Visionary Realms cancelling a...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen delays latest pre-alpha test into 2024 over broken backend system

Just as things were beginning to ramp up for pre-alpha testing of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, the plans laid by Visionary Realms get...

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen updates item drops and crafting, recounts a player-organized pre-alpha boss hunt

The work on the MMORPG pre-alpha testing of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen continues to roll forward, with updates to the build applied last...

Soulframe targets ‘pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha’ testing for mid-December, lets you pet the dog

While Digital Extremes' latest livestream was mostly focused on its one (and primarily only) game, there was a small spotlight granted to its upcoming...

Pantheon influencers show off pre-alpha MMORPG footage as Visionary Realms loses a marketing staffer

Is Visionary Realms attempting to staunch the bleeding of player trust, or this all just part of an existing plan? That's certainly up for...
In memoriam.

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen starts setting the table for 24/7 pre-alpha testing

For those who have bought in to the dream of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen hard enough to get into pre-alpha tests, those testing...

Anvil Empires dates its next pre-alpha tests for May 30 and May 31

Testing is continuing to move along for Siege Camp's in-development medieval warfare MMO Anvil Empires as the studio has announced plans to begin its...

BitCraft’s pre-alpha test of progression and cooperation systems runs through May 31

The 10th pre-alpha test session for BitCraft that developer Clockwork Labs has been promising for some time now has finally gotten its timetable: The...

BitCraft dates its next pre-alpha for March 31, promising to add ‘several thousand’ new testers

The pre-alpha testing progress of BitCraft is pushing forward, with the developers noting in last month's address that "several thousand" players would be considered...

BitCraft has officially kicked off its pre-alpha testing, promises more invite waves are coming

BitCraft, the social and exploration-focused sandbox MMORPG that introduced itself to fans this past September, has been talking up the start of its pre-alpha...

The Stream Team: Fishing and frolicking in Shards Online

It's been quite some time since MassivelyOP's MJ dived into Shards Online to show it off to you, and much has changed since then....
This could be fun by itself, too.

Everything you need to know about Crowfall’s combat testing

As nifty as Crowfall's mechanical goals are, they're not going to help the game much in the long run if the fundamental combat engine...