progression server

EverQuesting: Why I cheered when EQ’s progression server crashed

When EverQuest's newest progression server Ragefire came online then took an immediate nosedive, I sprang from my chair cheering. Hey now, don't aim those eye...

EverQuest II is getting time-locked PvE and PvP servers

Holly Longdale's recent producer's letter for EverQuest II offered a slew of news, including the announcement that time-locked PvE and PvP servers are coming...

Global Chat: Blizzard’s war on flying

How is the MMO blogging community reacting to Blizzard's proclamation that flying mounts are grounded -- perhaps permanently -- in World of Warcraft? In...
They're fun guys! Get it because... you know what, yeah, you get it.

EverQuest is booting up another progression server

Remember when EverQuest launched a progression server and everyone rushed to it? Maybe not everyone, but the Ragefire server did launch to completely unexpected...

EverQuest’s new progression server comes online (again)

After a disasterous initial outing and subsequent wipe, EverQuest's Ragefire server came back online last night to welcome players back to the classic era...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a World of Warcraft progression server?

Classic servers and progression servers are on my mind lately. EverQuest just got yet another progression server; it had launch issues, but it's up...

EverQuest’s new progression server wiped due to launch issues

It was a less-than-auspicious beginning for EverQuest's highly anticipated progression server. The new server, Ragefire, came up yesterday and was immediately beset by several issues...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 13

Justin and Bree discuss WoW's sub decline, EQ Next, GW2's Dragonhunter, EQ progression servers, SWTOR harassment, and adventures in Marvel Heroes, Secret World, and Guild Wars, plus mailbag questions on SWG's PvP and pay-to-win.
Questing ever onward.

EverQuest’s progression server launches on May 20

Are you itching to turn back the clock with EverQuest's progression server? You don't have much longer to wait, as Daybreak has announced that...

Daybreak releases EverQuest progression server details

Daybreak has announced the results of its EverQuest progression server polling. The shard's name will be Ragefire, and the initial unlocked expansion vote was...

EverQuest’s newest progression server gets a name

The voters have spoken, and EverQuest's newest progression server will be named Ragefire. "While the vote is still live in-game, Ragefire is ahead by a...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...

EverQuest switches to twice-a-year campaign DLC

EverQuest Executive Producer Holly Longdale dropped a few info-bombs on the community today with an update letter on the game. The biggest news was...

EverQuest will run an open beta for its new progression server

Plans are moving forward for EverQuest's new progression server, and to help fill in the community, Daybreak has posted a new FAQ that explains...

EverQuest’s new progression server could take you eight years to finish

Back in February, Daybreak announced plans for a new classic EverQuest progression server and allowed players to vote on the future server's ruleset. Yesterday,...

Global Chat: MMOs as grief therapy

We'll begin today's tour of community articles by touching on a rather somber (yet uplifting) note. Pixelkin wrote a great piece on how her...

Here are the progression servers up for vote in EverQuest

Classic EverQuest's dev team casually announced last week that it has plans for new progression servers, signalling that at least Daybreak isn't planning on...

EverQuest is getting a new progression server

EverQuest has made a reputation for itself over the years as an MMO that isn't afraid to experiment with progression servers, and as such...